Saturday, September 10, 2011

Expansion vs. Constriction

Yesterday I send an email, content of which was, to some people, confusing :-)! Given that my natural state is that of curiosity and playfulness, two of the best states for learning, I am attaching the email again (see end of this note);-) and sincerely hope you’ll give it a couple of seconds of your time;-)!

Anyway, having read some to the emails, I couldn’t help but notice how those emails and responses I got in them matched the mental make up of people who sent them;-)!

I, on purpose chose to send it to a wide and different spectrum of people from my distribution list, as I was curious to see what responses I’ll get!

Sure enough, they were different, and yet they proved how we deal with things that are not linear and familiar to us.

People who predominantly used their left brain (logical), were quick to brush off the email and said that a virus might have entered the message I sent and that the message was therefore corrupt, and I should seek to fix my computer; that the message didn’t make any sense, and the font I use might not be compatible with the email format I use…

Interestingly enough, the predominantly right brain (creative) users understood the email straight away and 98% of them replied to me using the same format in which I sent the email. This was also the case with those who use both parts of the brain in relatively equal measures; and also the response of those who regularly meditate and whose brains work more or less as a whole;-)! The above responses were only some of the many I got, and they got me thinking…

If we only rely on one part of the brain, no matter how well it serves us, inevitably it will constrict our expansion in more ways than one, and we will continue to get the same results. Even if those results are good, great, magnificent, please know, that deep within us, we have potential to go higher!

Because if we always do what we’ve always done, we will always get what we always got, and we’ll always be where we’ve always been  and you’ll agree that there isn’t much progress and expansion in this way of thinking and doing.

And so I wonder, if we want to expand our vision, talents, potential, lives, can we afford to be selective and do only that which is within our comfort zone, that which we are familiar with?!

I believe that life begins at the end of our comfort zone, so once you get something you are not familiar with, decide not to push it away, and rationalize why it is ‘wrong’, ‘useless’, ‘confusing’…

Instead, embrace it, give yourself a task to tackle it, to look it at from a different angle, from an angle you’ve never dared to look at it before, as true progress and expansion happen exactly at the point when we abandon the old, stagnant, constricting, safe patterns of thinking and doing, and embrace the new, dynamic, expansive and different ways.

On that note, may I invite you to consider the email below, and approach it with fresh eyes and from a different angle;-)!

Have an unusually different weekend!

7H15 M355463 53RV35 70 PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1N6 7H1N65! 1MPR3551V3 7H1N65! 1N 7H3 B361NN1NG 17 W45 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 L1N3 Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1N6 17 4U70M471C411Y W17H 0UT 3V3N 7H1NK1N6 4B0U7 17, B3 PR0UD! 0N1Y C34R741N P30PL3 C4N R34D 7H15

© Momentum Strategies

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Choices, choices, choices...

Choices, choices, choices…

These past few days, I've been thinking about choices - those we make, those that are offered to us and those that, on the surface, fall under neither of these two categories;-)!

Almost everywhere we go nowadays, we are met by gazillion of choices-coffee shops (latte, frappuccino, de-caff short, extra foam easy-on-the-caffeine- soya latte), crisps (no salt, sea salt & balsamic vinegar, sweet'n'sour), the choices are endless and equally bizzarre. It seems as if, nothing can be simple anymore-no simple choices that once used to bring a look of utter and sheer joy to our faces. I get a feeling that once things started to make us happy, we chose to jazz them up, to experiment, make them complicated, only to satisfy the good old ego.

I'd like to clarify something here...I am all for experimenting, for trying out new things, for looking beyond, and I absolutely propagate a 'what if' and 'how about' attitude, however, the buck stops when we, in our quest to satisfy the 'almighty self proclaimed master' ego, create choices that have very little to do with simplifying and making our lives easier.

Without a clear intention at the onset, it stops being about experimenting, and the outcome can then be absolutely anything. And if at the outset of our creation there's no clarity as to why we want (to create) something, anything can happen...And it is precisely this 'anything' that I'd like to explore, as I feel it might be the very thing that, if avoided, can improve the quality of our lives and helps us make better choices.

So, given that choices that are always available to us, and given the fact that they are more often than not, clearly defined to us, how on earth do some some people complain about the lack of choices available to them and also about making the wrong ones?! 

What could be the driving force behind this attitude?!

I've thought long and hard about this, and the two things that keep coming up are Intention and Fear or the lack of the former and abundance of the latter!

If we go about making important life choices, like they don't matter, without a clear intention as to what we expect and what the higher purpose and the outcome behind our choosing is, we are inevitably going to be disappointed and complain that life has  served us lemons...It would not occur to us, that we could use those lemons to make a lemonade;-)! Oh no, that would appear too easy, too simple and there will be no room for complaining!!! Instead, we would allow our fears to come up and lead the way! With intention absent, fear can do what it does best-it can paralyze us and cripple our choice making process! Why does it do that, one may ask?!

Well, it's simple! We allow it! Because most of our choices are made in the moment of fear and loaded with lower, fear based emotions. When choices are made under these kinds of circumstances, the lack of intention is apparent, as is the lack of grounding. 
These two, are some of the most important factors that influence our decisions, and subsequently, our choices.

On the basis of this, I'd like to invite you to think of the times when you were faced with choices and made the right/wrong ones! What state were you in, was there a clear intention, were you grounded, how did the choices you made then, affect your life now!

Remember that our lives are defined by the decisions and choices we make!

Choose wisely and have a weekend of your choice!

© Momentum Strategies 2011

Lidija Markovic Rosati

CEO Momentum Strategies

Tel: +44 (0) 7887 984 894

        +381 (0) 64 38 55 255

'Find your life's purpose!'