Saturday, January 28, 2012

MUST vs. must

Dear Friends,

This week was important for me on many levels. However, if I were to single out one thing, it would have to be a consultation I had with my trusted Dr. Isaac Jones of the Designers Health Centers fame. It was the shortest, and yet the most powerful consultation.

Mind you, all consultations have, so far (I am half way through a Detox plan) brought brilliant results, yet, like with anything else in life, if you want something better than outstanding, you gotta raise the bar!

And so I did!

This week I committed and stuck to a diet of eating highly alkaline raw food! I've contemplated it in the past, and yet, never got round to doing it.

This time it was different!

I decided why it was a MUST for me (note the capital lettersJ), and with the support from my Unconscious, coupled with Dr. Jones's in-depth research, I started this energizing, cleansing journey!

I'd like to point out the importance of the verb ‘must’ here! The difference is in the capital M! At some point in the past, we've all gone through and made decisions using the small 'm',with never ending preparations for the D-day!

The basic characteristic of the small 'm' is the fear of change and the belief that, if we ever get to reach the heights of the capital 'M', our lives will drastically change.

At the core of this fear of change lies the rigid mind and rigid ways of thinking and being. Achieving the capital 'M' doesn't mean we will change beyond recognition; it only means that we will make a significant step forward in our internal growth!

Once you reach the heights of capital 'M', you will open more space for some other, new, exciting MUSTs.

I'd like to think that this week, with one capital 'M' I created a space for other new and exciting MUSTs

Wishing you a Magnificent weekend and sending you oceans of love,

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Of Health and Words

'Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.'~Buddha

Dear Friends,

This week has been all about getting used to different ways of doing, being… As it happens, I caught a nasty cold, followed by high temperature and snifflesL!

It was hard for me not being able to go about my usual ways. Running and tennis were out of the question, yoga was performed in its lighter version - that of breathing and meditation.

And suddenly, amid the sniffles and copious cups of tea, I realized I was enjoying this calm, light way of being, different from my usual high-speed multitasking way! It was my body’s way of telling me to slow down, to take it easy…Stuff I know, and yet, easily forget…

I am grateful for this reminder, albeit harsh, to be kind to my body, and to listen to it, be aware of the signals my unconscious is sending to me and acknowledge them and use them.

We all know that a good healthy communication is vital, and this week, I was reminded that a healthy body requires a healthy inner communication.

And so, this week I started a new ritual – that of asking my body what it wants, instead of overloading it with a heavy, back to back schedule. I ask and I listen…Few times a day! What I got back is phenomenal!

Here’s to a healthy weekend!

Sending you oceans of love,
© Copyright Momentum Strategies 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012


And so with the festive season over, and an even more beautiful season looming ahead of us, I find myself in the company of dear friends discussing the difference between those people who have it, and those who don’t! Faith, believing in yourself, listening to your gut feeling, seem to be the order of the day!

Everything appears to be down to attitude, down to the internal dialogue, mental chatter. And the question inevitably arises, as to how to make them work for you? How do you engage them to help you reach your goal, live your dream, have fulfilling relationships…

Because, let’s face it, the mind never sleeps, however if we teach it how to, even for a few minutes during the day, calm down and ask it to work with us, we CAN have everything we set our mind to.

Even when we know WHY that goal is a MUST for us, and even when HOW has taken care of itself;-), there’s still one vital ingredient missing: DISCIPLINE - the habit of regular practice!

And until WHY and HOW haven’t been introduced to DISCIPLINE, our goals will remain distant, our resolutions will have a short shelf life, and the mental chatter will become louder once again!

With this in mind, my friends and I decided to make DISCIPLINE our chief ally for 2012.

Sending you oceans of love,


Copyright ©Momentum Strategies 2012