Saturday, December 29, 2012
Sa reči na dela - pravo u novu godinu
Uz pomoć jednostavne, elegantne i moćne vežbe, lako ćete pristupiti novim stanjima i iskoristiti ih da naslikate mnogo svetliju i punu boja 2013. godinu.
"Postoji poseban način disanja za svako stanje svesti." - Thomas Björge
Prošle nedelje sam sa vama podelila nekoliko koraka za poboljšanje kvaliteta vašeg života u 2013-oj. ( Jedan od njih je bio da proučite najbolja stanja svesti koje ste imali tokom 2012. godine, da nadjete stanja koja su prouzrokovala vaša najuspešnija ponašanja tokom protekle godine, i da ih ponesete sa sobom u 2013-u godinu.
Srećom, postoji diskretan ali vrlo efikasan način da pristupite dobrim stanjima: jednostavno dišite onako kako dišete kada ste u tim stanjima!
Pozivam vas da probate ovu jednostavnu, a ipak moćnu vežbu, koju podučavam na svojim seminarima i radionicama.
Izaberite stanje svesti koje želite da iskusite, na primer stanje radoznalosti, stanje motivisanosti da učite i jednostavno počnite da dišete kao što dišete kada ste radoznali i motivisani za učenje.
Zamišljam da neki od vas misle: "Ali ja ne znam kako dišem kada sam motivisan/a da nešto naučim." I to je, možda, do izvesne mere i tačno; ali vaše telo zna i, ako se samo skoncentrišete na nameru da dišete onako kako dišete kada ste intenzivno motivisani, i dozvolite telu da nadje način na koji diše u takvim situacijama, vaše telo će postepeno, korak po korak naći pravi način disanja.
I primetićete da ćete, kada dišete na način koji je povezan sa motivacijom, zaista osetiti motivisanost i BITI motivisani.
Ako ste odlučili da će 2013-a biti godina vašeg preporoda i sjaja, pozivam vas da izdvojite malo vremena, iskusite ovu vežbu i eksperimentišete sa njom.
Vežba: Tokom prisećanja dogadjaja iz 2012, krenite u lov na ona stanja u kojima ste briljirali i sijali kao najsvetlija zvezda na nebu, na ona koja su bila toliko dobra da ste ih možda privremeno i zaboravili; i kad nadjete jedno od tih izvrsnih stanja posvetite malo vremena i pažnje da istražite kako dišete kada ste u takvom stanju. Onda, kada god poželite da promenite stanje u kome ste - sve što treba da uradite je da počnete da dišete onako kako dišete u željenom stanju. Jednostavna, elegantna i moćna vežba koja donosi rezultate.
Rezultat redovnog izvodjenja ove vežbe će biti paleta izvrsnih stanja kojima možete lako pristupiti i iskoristiti ih da naslikate mnogo svetliju i punu boja 2013. godinu.
A sledeća godina će biti samo početak...
Želim vam najsjajniju godinu koju ste ikad imali, i šaljem vam okeane ljubavi.
Izvor: Momentum Strategies 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Weekly Food for Thought - From Words into Actions Straight into the New Year
"For every state there is a way of breathing."~ Thomas Bjorge
Dear Friends,
Last week we shared with you a number of steps on how to improve the quality of yourself and your life in 2013. One of these was to examine the best states you were in during 2012; to find the states which generated your most successful behaviors during the previous year, and to bring them with you into 2013.
Fortunately there is a discreet yet very effective way to access good states: you can simply breathe like you do when you are in them!
We invite you to try this simple, yet very powerful exercise, which we share with our participants during our training seminars and workshops.
Pick a state you wish to experience, for example a state of curiosity; a state of being motivated to learn, and simply start to breathe as you do when you already are curious and motivated to learn.
We can hear some of you thinking: "But I don't know how I breathe when I am motivated to learn something." And that may to some extent be true, but your body knows, and if you have the intention to breathe as you do when you feel intense motivation and just allow your body to find the way it breathes when you are motivated to learn, it will, gradually and step by step, find the right way to breathe.
And you will notice that when you breathe the way which is associated with motivation you will indeed feel motivated, you will BE motivated.
If you have decided that your 2013 will be a year in which the brand new you will turn up and shine, we invite you to take some time right now and experiment with and experience this exercise.
Exercise: In your recollection of the events of the year 2012 go hunting for those states which were brilliant shining stars of excellence, some of them might even have been so good that you temporarily forgot about them, and when you find one of the really good states take a few moments to explore how you breathe when you are in it. Practice breathing this way in order to invoke the state. Then all you have to do when you want to switch states is to start breathing like in the state you want to be in. Simple, elegant and very powerful exercise that brings results.
The result of doing this exercise regularly will be a palette of states of excellence which you can access and use to paint a far brighter, more colorful 2013.
And the next year will be just the start...
Wishing you the most extraordinary year yet, and sending you oceans of love,
Your thriving trainers,
Lidija and Thomas
©Momentum Strategies 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
New Year New You
”What was it like when you made the best decisions you have ever made? Exactly! Go back and do just that!” - Thomas Bjørge
Dear Friends,
It is that time of year when ideally, we would reflect on what we’ve achieved in the past year, and what were the challenges we met, so that we can start planning ahead, thinking, dreaming, talking…
Rarely though, we take time to consider what really flourished and what withered in the previous year, so we can take note repeat what was good and gave results, and eliminate what didn’t. To make sure that the New Year means a new you, here are 12 simple steps for an awesome 2013:
1. What did you achieve in 2012? In one year we achieve a lot, and great many fantastic things happen, yet we tend to loose sight of all the great things we’ve accomplished and usually jump from one project to the next, without insomuch taking a few breaths to look back and congratulate ourselves on what we’ve accomplished. Take some time to jot down all your successes from the previous year - you’ll get a spring in your step and be further inspired and motivated.
2. When were you at your best in 2012? Having taken stock of your successes in the preceding year it is even more important to take stock of when you were at your best. The most excellent states you were in when you accomplished what you did. Because those states is where your behaviours flowed from, your behaviours which made you accomplish your successes during the year. Now, to take your best states with you into the next year: Take time dwelling on your most successful and enjoyable states, and imagine how life will be when you start to use them more often.
3. Where did I stall in 2012? Looking back at the events of the previous year, where the results you got were less than what you expected, is useful only if it serves as a lesson. Pining over your setbacks can influence your goal setting for the next year, and while doing this, some people tend to go back into less resourceful states. Now, one way to avoid this, while learning from your setbacks, is to look at yourself through the eagle’s eye. Imagine soaring high in the sky, seeing yourself from far above, noticing actions and consequences, considering other ways that you could have taken and asking exactly what states you would have needed to be in, in order to achieve better results. So experience the states, pick up the learnings and move on. Look at the setbacks as weeds in your garden. Pull them out, and don’t let them stand in the way of your future planning and your growth.
4. What did you learn in 2012? Look at all the learnings you got both through your accomplishments and your setbacks. Ask yourself what worked and what didn’t. Take time to appreciate your strengths and resources that played a major role in your successes, and also look into weaknesses, and how they can be improved.
5. What are your limiting beliefs? Check what your limiting beliefs are and take responsibility for your life. You are not a victim of circumstance – you create circumstance. Life does not happen to you - you happen to life! Your life is a reflection of actions you took and thoughts you indulged in. Substitute limiting beliefs with empowering ones, and notice the difference.
6. What are your values? Values are deeply held beliefs that influence choices you make in life. What is it that you value the most? Look into the principles that define who you are and by which you live. What is top on your values list: health, vitality, family, relationships, friends. What portion of your time do you devote daily to your top value(s)? Is it enough?
7. Do you walk your talk? Is your life a reflection of your values, beliefs. Are you true to yourself. If you are it will reflect on your goals, successes, accomplishments. Is the way you live your life congruent with your values.
8. What is your intention for 2013? Direct your focus and energy and attention in the direction that is the most important for you and that will help you achieve the kind of change you long for. Find purpose and passion. Find what drives you, what inspires you, what moves you - if your intentions are clear you’ll get there faster. Intentions guide your attention and inspire you to take action.
9. What is your intention behind your intention? This is really another way of asking what is really important to you? Some people make their New Year’s resolution to get into a better shape, without exploring their real intentions, which may be to become more attractive to the the other person. If, following such a resolution, they find themselves spending all the time in the gym rather than in conversation with the subject of their desire :-), maybe it is a good idea to re-evaluate the means they selected to achieve their goals.
10. Where will you be in December 2013? Imagine for a moment that one year has passed and you succeeded in each and every change you decided to introduce in your life this new year. What will your life be like? Are you pleased with your changes? What could you, when you look back at it in retrospect now, improve even more? And from this future vantage point; what do you know about the decisions you made back in December 2012 which enables you to make even better ones when you return in time to make the best decisions possible?
11. How do I know I’ve achieved my goals? Simple! Review them weekly, and make sure that your thoughts and actions each day align with your goals. Measuring them and keeping track on them will help you create a new you in the New Year!
12. Make your New Year’s resolutions YOUR New Year’s resolutions. Make your New Year’s resolutions an expression of who you are. Let them resonate with your true essence. Not just something that sounds good, or that it seems like a good idea. Not just something the language center in your brain thinks sounds good. But something you, with every cell of your body, with every fibre of your soul can and will stand behind.
Wishing you wonderful year, and sending you oceans of love,
Your extraordinary trainers,
Lidija & Thomas
©Momentum Strategies 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Weekly Food For Thought - Firing the Critic, Hiring the Coach
‘Good coaching is very selective. It directs your attention to one or two possible changes, which when implemented will have a massive impact.’ ~ Thomas Bjørge
Dear Friends,
Has it ever happened to you that you do something exceptionally well, you step up, you show up as a leader, and bam…like on cue, an inner nagging voice creeps in and starts rewinding and replaying the situation in your head, focusing only on and exclusively on the negatives!
I* know that the above mentioned scenario has happened to me many times in the past, usually when I’ve stepped up, moved out of my comfort zone, and did something differently…It is in situations like this, the self-doubting nagging little critic will turn up. Uninvited. And before I knew it, my self confidence would take the downward spiral, and I’d have no choice in the matter.
Usually, the nagging little critic would get on the perfectionist’s high horse, and would blow things out of proportion. It showed no mercy for mistakes, slip-ups, imperfections, or anything that defines me as a human. It was tiring, exhausting even, having to listen to this Inner Critic every time I stepped up. I had enough of listening to what is wrong with me, without insomuch as a solution, or guidance.
You see, Inner Critic does just that – silently, yet very powerfully criticizes. It gives no solutions, no pointers, no how tos. It just nags. Demanding perfection from imperfectly perfect moi☺!
So, after much deliberation, and many training seminars later, I decided to re-consider this Inner Critic’s position☺!
It became clear to me that the way I had been thinking about it had been slightly unfair. I had only considered how it sabotaged my efforts. It became clear to me that this Inner Critic had a set of very good intentions, i.e. to protect me from risks. However the way it went about accomplishing this was interrupting and disruptive, and simply not helpful.
We – I and I – had a long chat about what it wanted to achieve for me, how and when I would prefer it to help me achieve this, how and when I would prefer it to communicate what it wanted to alert me about, in a way which was not disruptive, but helpful.
And so I fired my Inner Critic and hired my inner Coach.
I learnt that at any given point in time I have a choice. A choice of having an important part of me communicate with me in the role of an Inner Critic or in the role of an inner supporter and Inner Coach. Or a team of coaches, that mean well, give constructive solutions, are wise, have my best interest at heart.
And so, my Inner Coach got the job☺! It is everything that the Inner Critic isn’t.
It helps me focus on what I want, it is supportive, loving, caring. It shows me my strengths, it encourages me to raise the bar, step up, set new standards, excel…
With this in mind, may I invite you to pay attention to your Inner Critic this week, and every time it creeps in, unannounced and uninvited, feel free to mute it, and invite your Inner Coach instead!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend and beyond, and sending you oceans of love.
Your imperfectly perfect trainers,
Lidija & Thomas
*Even though our experiences on the subject are similar, for the purpose of clarity and easier reading, we decided to use an ‘I’, rather than a ‘we’.
Lidija Markovic Rosati – NLP Trainer
Thomas Bjørge – NLP Trainer
©Momentum Strategies Coaching 2012
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