Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - More Than Just A Game

Dear Friends,

On this historic evening, where London, my adopted home town for the past 22 years, is getting ready for the event that took seven years to prepare.

Isn't it amazing that the whole seven years were invested for 'mere' two weeks of fierce competition. It goes to show, that if we want serious results, we must employ serious effort. We must apply ourselves fully, in all areas, without leaving any space unattended.

This past week I've been thinking a lot about the importance of being always ready! In fact, this was the opening line of an interview I had with a journalist (interview will be published next week)! I'll keep you posted.

There isn't much fun in pulling our resources in the last minute. Too much energy is wasted, and very little space for a continuous growth is created.

I am inspired with this Olympic Spirit, not only with regards to physical strength, but also with regards to our spiritual, mental and moral virtues.

With this in mind, during the next two weeks, watching the Olympians compete, may I invite you to explore Olympian qualities within you! Where do you excel, and where the growth area might be!

Sending you oceans of love, and keep aiming for gold...this week and beyond:-)!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Self-Improvement and Self-Acceptance

Dear Friends,

To some extent, we all strive towards being better people.

And I believe that we all would like to be better, to be more. Yet, a handful of us understands the flow of interdependent vessels that are self-improvement and self-acceptance.

Self- improvement has to do with our intellect, whereas self-acceptance is linked with spirituality. Self-improvement is connected with mind, and self-acceptance finds its root in being. Self-improvement is a dynamic category, while self-acceptance is static. And what may appear as a paradox, at first glance, is that self-improvement, 'wastes' and 'speeds up' our time, while self-acceptance saves it and it slows it down.

Primary goal of each and everyone of us is to strive towards being better. However, in order to do so, first we must accept ourselves as we are, and from that very point aim towards self-improvement. When this kind of interaction is achieved, self-improvement will turn towards 'self'.

So, when you think of your self-improvement, look inside of your very being, observe your current position with great deal of kindness and love, look at your current potentials, resources, accept yourself...It is only when you are able to do so, the real self-improvement can take place.

It is important to note that self-improvement is not an external category that depends on our clothes, make up, etc. Its essence lies within the realm of our inner being. Self-improvement based on external factors can easily be noticed (mainly in the eyes and the look of the beholder), it is short lived, and what's important is that, self-improvement based on these factors cannot bring a long-term satisfaction and fulfillment.

With this in mind, I wish you a wonderfully improved and accepted week:-)!

Sending you oceans of love,

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Capacity for Uncertainty

‘Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don’t let them scare you unduly, for they keep boredom at bay and spark creativity.’ ~ R. I. Fitzhenry

Dear Friends,

My experience shows that we all enjoy functioning in the system where certainty reigns, where we swim within realm of familiarity, free from any turbulence. However, very often in life we encounter situations where we surf on the wave of uncertainty, unpredictability...

Through history, great scholars, like Winnicott, Keats, and such like wrote about the importance of capacity for uncertainty though. Uncertainty is a state where all of us have been and will be, and its main characteristic is anxiety and stress. At times, this state can last fairly long, and the importance of developing a robust psychology and a system to support it is vital.

In order to develop our capacity for uncertainty we must constantly endeavor to grow, so that our energetic potentials can grow too, and when this happens, anxiety is greatly diminished.

To start with, creating our capacity for uncertainty calls for a strong discipline and commitment from our part. However, as we become aware of our states in situations that are unfamiliar and uncertain, we learn how to function in them, without insomuch as a grain of anxiety or stress. We welcome them and appreciate them, as we learn a great deal from them.

Our capacity for uncertainty means letting go of all the energy that used to be linked to stressful and uncertain situations. Once that energy is released, it creates a space for joie de vivre, for creativity, for flexibility.

Even when there are no 'crisis situations' as such, thus created capacity for uncertainty serves as a preventative measure. It becomes some kind of a spontaneous filter through which earlier created frustrations, limiting beliefs, resistance, are released. And that's why having it (capacity for uncertainty) deeply engrained within us is of great importance.

With this in mind, I wish you a week of wonderful uncertainties:)!

Sending you oceans of love,

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - The Need to Be Right

Dear Friends,

I wonder if you were ever in the situation where you had to defend your way of thinking, acting, being...?! And if you did, how did it feel?! What did you notice in the process of having to 'fight to be right'?!

Letting go of the need to be right stands high on the personal development ladder. I believe, it is quite possibly one of the most fascinating victories over our Ego, over its need to be in charge. Once we release this need, gains could be manifold. Almost instantly, you could find that more resources are available to you, choices increase, and your attitude becomes refreshingly authentic.

By letting go of the need to be right, our communication skills improve, we become more attentive, we turn into better listeners, and become better at creating solutions for would be challenges.

For our inner growth, the need to be right is irrelevant and totally unimportant. That need is self-imposed and created to 'convince' others. By trying to convince others, we waste precious time and energy, that we could invest elsewhere, i.e. in us!

Paradoxically, when we relinquish this need, and when our thinking, acting, being become 'accepted', it won't matter anymore.  It won't be something that serves Ego's self-confirmation, but an 'aha' moment that will give you an insight into your own journey that continues to unfold and last.

Once this happens, creative juices start flowing, and all the previous self-imposed limitations vanish!

With this in mind, I wish you a wonderfully light and creative weekend!

© Momentum Strategies 2012