Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sa reči na dela - pravo u novu godinu

Uz pomoć jednostavne, elegantne i moćne vežbe, lako ćete pristupiti novim stanjima i iskoristiti ih da naslikate mnogo svetliju i punu boja 2013. godinu.

"Postoji poseban način disanja za svako stanje svesti." - Thomas Björge

Prošle nedelje sam sa vama podelila nekoliko koraka za poboljšanje kvaliteta vašeg života u 2013-oj. ( Jedan od njih je bio da proučite najbolja stanja svesti koje ste imali tokom 2012. godine, da nadjete stanja koja su prouzrokovala vaša najuspešnija ponašanja tokom protekle godine, i da ih ponesete sa sobom u 2013-u godinu.

Srećom, postoji diskretan ali vrlo efikasan način da pristupite dobrim stanjima: jednostavno dišite onako kako dišete kada ste u tim stanjima!

Pozivam vas da probate ovu jednostavnu, a ipak moćnu vežbu, koju podučavam na svojim seminarima i radionicama.

Izaberite stanje svesti koje želite da iskusite, na primer stanje radoznalosti, stanje motivisanosti da učite i jednostavno počnite da dišete kao što dišete kada ste radoznali i motivisani za učenje.

Zamišljam da neki od vas misle: "Ali ja ne znam kako dišem kada sam motivisan/a da nešto naučim." I to je, možda, do izvesne mere i tačno; ali vaše telo zna i, ako se samo skoncentrišete na nameru da dišete onako kako dišete kada ste intenzivno motivisani, i dozvolite telu da nadje način na koji diše u takvim situacijama, vaše telo će postepeno, korak po korak naći pravi način disanja.

I primetićete da ćete, kada dišete na način koji je povezan sa motivacijom, zaista osetiti motivisanost i BITI motivisani.

Ako ste odlučili da će 2013-a biti godina vašeg preporoda i sjaja, pozivam vas da izdvojite malo vremena, iskusite ovu vežbu i eksperimentišete sa njom.

Vežba: Tokom prisećanja dogadjaja iz 2012, krenite u lov na ona stanja u kojima ste briljirali i sijali kao najsvetlija zvezda na nebu, na ona koja su bila toliko dobra da ste ih možda privremeno i zaboravili; i kad nadjete jedno od tih izvrsnih stanja posvetite malo vremena i pažnje da istražite kako dišete kada ste u takvom stanju. Onda, kada god poželite da promenite stanje u kome ste - sve što treba da uradite je da počnete da dišete onako kako dišete u željenom stanju. Jednostavna, elegantna i moćna vežba koja donosi rezultate.

Rezultat redovnog izvodjenja ove vežbe će biti paleta izvrsnih stanja kojima možete lako pristupiti i iskoristiti ih da naslikate mnogo svetliju i punu boja 2013. godinu.

A sledeća godina će biti samo početak...

Želim vam najsjajniju godinu koju ste ikad imali, i šaljem vam okeane ljubavi.


Izvor: Momentum Strategies 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - From Words into Actions Straight into the New Year

"For every state there is a way of breathing."~ Thomas Bjorge

Dear Friends,

Last week we shared with you a number of steps on how to improve the quality of yourself and your life in 2013. One of these was to examine the best states you were in during 2012; to find the states which generated your most successful behaviors during the previous year, and to bring them with you into 2013.

Fortunately there is a discreet yet very effective way to access good states: you can simply breathe like you do when you are in them!

We invite you to try this simple, yet very powerful exercise, which we share with our participants during our training seminars and workshops.

Pick a state you wish to experience, for example a state of curiosity; a state of being motivated to learn, and simply start to breathe as you do when you already are curious and motivated to learn.

We can hear some of you thinking: "But I don't know how I breathe when I am motivated to learn something." And that may to some extent be true, but your body knows, and if you have the intention to breathe as you do when you feel intense motivation and just allow your body to find the way it breathes when you are motivated to learn, it will, gradually and step by step, find the right way to breathe.

And you will notice that when you breathe the way which is associated with motivation you will indeed feel motivated, you will BE motivated.

If you have decided that your 2013 will be a year in which the brand new you will turn up and shine, we invite you to take some time right now and experiment with and experience this exercise.

Exercise: In your recollection of the events of the year 2012 go hunting for those states which were brilliant shining stars of excellence, some of them might even have been so good that you temporarily forgot about them, and when you find one of the really good states take a few moments to explore how you breathe when you are in it. Practice breathing this way in order to invoke the state. Then all you have to do when you want to switch states is to start breathing like in the state you want to be in. Simple, elegant and very powerful exercise that brings results.

The result of doing this exercise regularly will be a palette of states of excellence which you can access and use to paint a far brighter, more colorful 2013.

And the next year will be just the start...

Wishing you the most extraordinary year yet, and sending you oceans of love,

Your thriving trainers,
Lidija and Thomas
©Momentum Strategies 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

New Year New You

”What was it like when you made the best decisions you have ever made? Exactly! Go back and do just that!” - Thomas Bjørge

Dear Friends,

It is that time of year when ideally, we would reflect on what we’ve achieved in the past year, and what were the challenges we met, so that we can start planning ahead, thinking, dreaming, talking…
Rarely though, we take time to consider what really flourished and what withered in the previous year, so we can take note repeat what was good and gave results, and eliminate what didn’t. To make sure that the New Year means a new you, here are 12 simple steps for an awesome 2013:

1. What did you achieve in 2012? In one year we achieve a lot, and great many fantastic things happen, yet we tend to loose sight of all the great things we’ve accomplished and usually jump from one project to the next, without insomuch taking a few breaths to look back and congratulate ourselves on what we’ve accomplished. Take some time to jot down all your successes from the previous year - you’ll get a spring in your step and be further inspired and motivated.

2. When were you at your best in 2012? Having taken stock of your successes in the preceding year it is even more important to take stock of when you were at your best. The most excellent states you were in when you accomplished what you did. Because those states is where your behaviours flowed from, your behaviours which made you accomplish your successes during the year. Now, to take your best states with you into the next year: Take time dwelling on your most successful and enjoyable states, and imagine how life will be when you start to use them more often.

3. Where did I stall in 2012? Looking back at the events of the previous year, where the results you got were less than what you expected, is useful only if it serves as a lesson. Pining over your setbacks can influence your goal setting for the next year, and while doing this, some people tend to go back into less resourceful states. Now, one way to avoid this, while learning from your setbacks, is to look at yourself through the eagle’s eye. Imagine soaring high in the sky, seeing yourself from far above, noticing actions and consequences, considering other ways that you could have taken and asking exactly what states you would have needed to be in, in order to achieve better results. So experience the states, pick up the learnings and move on. Look at the setbacks as weeds in your garden. Pull them out, and don’t let them stand in the way of your future planning and your growth.

4. What did you learn in 2012? Look at all the learnings you got both through your accomplishments and your setbacks. Ask yourself what worked and what didn’t. Take time to appreciate your strengths and resources that played a major role in your successes, and also look into weaknesses, and how they can be improved.

5. What are your limiting beliefs? Check what your limiting beliefs are and take responsibility for your life. You are not a victim of circumstance – you create circumstance. Life does not happen to you - you happen to life! Your life is a reflection of actions you took and thoughts you indulged in. Substitute limiting beliefs with empowering ones, and notice the difference.

6. What are your values? Values are deeply held beliefs that influence choices you make in life. What is it that you value the most? Look into the principles that define who you are and by which you live. What is top on your values list: health, vitality, family, relationships, friends. What portion of your time do you devote daily to your top value(s)? Is it enough?

7. Do you walk your talk? Is your life a reflection of your values, beliefs. Are you true to yourself. If you are it will reflect on your goals, successes, accomplishments. Is the way you live your life congruent with your values.

8. What is your intention for 2013? Direct your focus and energy and attention in the direction that is the most important for you and that will help you achieve the kind of change you long for. Find purpose and passion. Find what drives you, what inspires you, what moves you - if your intentions are clear you’ll get there faster. Intentions guide your attention and inspire you to take action.

9. What is your intention behind your intention? This is really another way of asking what is really important to you? Some people make their New Year’s resolution to get into a better shape, without exploring their real intentions, which may be to become more attractive to the the other person. If, following such a resolution, they find themselves spending all the time in the gym rather than in conversation with the subject of their desire :-), maybe it is a good idea to re-evaluate the means they selected to achieve their goals.

10. Where will you be in December 2013? Imagine for a moment that one year has passed and you succeeded in each and every change you decided to introduce in your life this new year. What will your life be like? Are you pleased with your changes? What could you, when you look back at it in retrospect now, improve even more? And from this future vantage point; what do you know about the decisions you made back in December 2012 which enables you to make even better ones when you return in time to make the best decisions possible?

11. How do I know I’ve achieved my goals? Simple! Review them weekly, and make sure that your thoughts and actions each day align with your goals. Measuring them and keeping track on them will help you create a new you in the New Year!

12. Make your New Year’s resolutions YOUR New Year’s resolutions. Make your New Year’s resolutions an expression of who you are. Let them resonate with your true essence. Not just something that sounds good, or that it seems like a good idea. Not just something the language center in your brain thinks sounds good. But something you, with every cell of your body, with every fibre of your soul can and will stand behind.

Wishing you wonderful year, and sending you oceans of love,

Your extraordinary trainers,

Lidija & Thomas

©Momentum Strategies 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Weekly Food For Thought - Firing the Critic, Hiring the Coach

‘Good coaching is very selective. It directs your attention to one or two possible changes, which when implemented will have a massive impact.’ ~ Thomas Bjørge

Dear Friends,

Has it ever happened to you that you do something exceptionally well, you step up, you show up as a leader, and bam…like on cue, an inner nagging voice creeps in and starts rewinding and replaying the situation in your head, focusing only on and exclusively on the negatives!

I* know that the above mentioned scenario has happened to me many times in the past, usually when I’ve stepped up, moved out of my comfort zone, and did something differently…It is in situations like this, the self-doubting nagging little critic will turn up. Uninvited. And before I knew it, my self confidence would take the downward spiral, and I’d have no choice in the matter.

Usually, the nagging little critic would get on the perfectionist’s high horse, and would blow things out of proportion. It showed no mercy for mistakes, slip-ups, imperfections, or anything that defines me as a human. It was tiring, exhausting even, having to listen to this Inner Critic every time I stepped up. I had enough of listening to what is wrong with me, without insomuch as a solution, or guidance.

You see, Inner Critic does just that – silently, yet very powerfully criticizes. It gives no solutions, no pointers, no how tos. It just nags. Demanding perfection from imperfectly perfect moi☺!

So, after much deliberation, and many training seminars later, I decided to re-consider this Inner Critic’s position☺!

It became clear to me that the way I had been thinking about it had been slightly unfair. I had only considered how it sabotaged my efforts. It became clear to me that this Inner Critic had a set of very good intentions, i.e. to protect me from risks. However the way it went about accomplishing this was interrupting and disruptive, and simply not helpful.

We – I and I – had a long chat about what it wanted to achieve for me, how and when I would prefer it to help me achieve this, how and when I would prefer it to communicate what it wanted to alert me about, in a way which was not disruptive, but helpful.

And so I fired my Inner Critic and hired my inner Coach.

I learnt that at any given point in time I have a choice. A choice of having an important part of me communicate with me in the role of an Inner Critic or in the role of an inner supporter and Inner Coach. Or a team of coaches, that mean well, give constructive solutions, are wise, have my best interest at heart.

And so, my Inner Coach got the job☺! It is everything that the Inner Critic isn’t.

It helps me focus on what I want, it is supportive, loving, caring. It shows me my strengths, it encourages me to raise the bar, step up, set new standards, excel…

With this in mind, may I invite you to pay attention to your Inner Critic this week, and every time it creeps in, unannounced and uninvited, feel free to mute it, and invite your Inner Coach instead!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and beyond, and sending you oceans of love.

Your imperfectly perfect trainers,

Lidija & Thomas
*Even though our experiences on the subject are similar, for the purpose of clarity and easier reading, we decided to use an ‘I’, rather than a ‘we’.

Lidija Markovic Rosati – NLP Trainer
Thomas Bjørge – NLP Trainer

©Momentum Strategies Coaching 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Weekly Food For Thought - Curiosity Cures Mediocrity

‘A wonderful gift may not be wrapped as you expect!’~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Dear Friends,

It has been an interesting week…

What a privilege to spend time with and observe the crème de la crème of NLP!

To see and hear what is possible after mastery and a lifetime of curiosity, learning and training.

While observing and taking note of the elegance with which some of the NLP processes were performed by Dr. Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair, we couldn’t help but notice that not everybody in the audience, including some self-proclaimed NLP trainers, appreciated the mastery that was demonstrated in front of their very eyes and ears. And this time, like many times before, in similar situations, pearls of wisdom (processes in this case) were wasted!

Oftentimes, people get frustrated when confronted with excellence, because excellence does not conform to their blinding expectations of what excellence should be. And this is precisely the point: if excellence did conform to their expectations, there would be nothing to learn.

And indeed: frustration can be a sign that there is something of high value going on, a pattern that conscious mind cannot compute.

Notice the similarity of this situation in a learning context with the situation of the modeler in the modeling context. If a person attempts to model a genius, using preconceived notions, conscious mind categories, he will end up with a model of his own categories and miss exactly those things that make the genius fly.

Only by letting go of the conscious mind’s filters, assuming for a moment that this is possible, can real learning take place.

Of course, this does not apply to you, gentle reader, or us, but we know that you have observed other people being so stuck in their own idea about reality that they failed to learn, that they rejected fabulous material which was presented right in front of their very eyes and ears.

So if one becomes too attached to one’s ideas about reality, one risks getting stuck in a mud of me me  me me me-diocrityJ!

When you contemplate areas in your life where your sense of quality has been evolving, you will most certainly start to appreciate the curiosity that is the key component to learning.

So with this in mind, may we invite you to spend some time this weekend, and   give yourself a gift of opening up to the possibility that there is excellence all around you. And even though you might be a practitioner, a coach, or even a trainer, you are predominantly a learner, a student and an evolving human being.

Here’s to constant and never ending curiosity!

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Curiously yours,

Lidija and Thomas

Lidija Markovic – NLP Trainer (Classic & New Code NLP)
Thomas Bjørge – NLP Trainer (Classic & New Code NLP)

©Momentum Strategies 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Insights into Breakthroughs

‘The value of information is equal to the value of its impact.’ ~ Thomas Bjorge

Dear Friends,

This week’s note finds me in beautiful Croatia, where I am assisting at an International NLP Congress, presented by two of the most influential minds in the field of NLP – Dr. John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair.

And preparing for this event, I spent some time thinking about breakthroughs I had during the seminars and workshops where I was in the role of a participant.

It brought to mind instances that were marked with ‘aha moments’, with powerful insights and with ‘now I know how to…’ empty phrases. I must admit, that most of the above mentioned insights were useful and have greatly contributed to my growth.

I shared these musings with my dear Friend Thomas, who noted that insights are ok, but what happens if you stop at them, and fail to integrate them? The answer is, of course – nothing, absolutely nothing!

Choosing to do nothing with these insights is ok if you are only after theoretical knowledge, something to chat about over a coffee, or want to daydream about what life would be like if you were to capitalize on them, exploit them, use them for your benefit…

In our lifetime, many great insights lose momentum, purely because we choose to indulge in learning for the sake of learning, whilst forgetting that information without application is as useful as Beethoven’s music sheets in the hands of a giraffe J.

So the question is: how do you turn a powerful insight into an earth-shattering breakthrough?

The answer is simple: Act on it! Take action! A massive one! The key lies in using all the learnings we have and applying them consistently and congruently. As that very action you decide to take, based on an insight, is worth more than ten actionless insights!

A word of warning: the feedback you get from taking that action will often give you new insights that will make you want to act J.

So with this in mind, I invite you to, right now take a few minutes and think about all the insights that you’ve had over the years, consider what effective actions you can take, decide and then ACT.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and sending you oceans of love,

Lidija with Thomas Bjorge, NLP Trainer

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - If life were a canvas and you the artist – what would you paint?

Dear Friends,

Are you the Artist or the Observer?

These days, everywhere I go I notice that we live in a mass culture where meaning is centralized, and we are used to having others interpret our lives for us. We are largely becoming passive observers of our own experience, waiting for other people to tell us what it means.

More and more, we allow outside influences to direct our attention to what we should care about or strive for, that the truth of our own power to choose very often escapes us.

I would very much like to propose another way. A way I did not invent, however it forms a basis for the spiritual teachings of most cultures.

Instead of the notion that there is an absolute value and meaning to reality, a some kind of ‘reality matrix’, we all must learn to decipher as young people; I would like you to consider an alternative stance: that you give your world – and each event that happens in it – any and all the meaning it has. There is no intrinsic meaning to anything!

However, while we give everything whatever meaning it has, in most cases we do not consciously choose these meanings. Rather we learn them, inherit them, probably unconsciously, according to the conventions of our family and our environment.

These pre-chosen and pre-packaged meanings can have a huge influence on how we experience the world.  As, how we feel about any given thing, is directly related to the meaning we assign to it. The good news is that we are not stuck with any particular meaning. We can consciously choose the meaning and value of our experiences.

This, I believe, is exactly what people who are continually happy and peaceful have learned to do.

This means, of course, that you are the creator of your own reality. In contrast to how you may have been conditioned to think, you give meaning  and significance to whatever happens to you, though the whole process  may appear to be unconscious. Then based on that meaning, usually unconsciously, you choose what your response will be. This will further imply that you will make wise and resourceful choices, as you will be living consciously rather than unconsciously.

If like most people, the part of you that assigns meaning runs on autopilot, it will choose meanings and responses based on the filters installed by your family and environment. In this case, I am sorry to say, your creativity and individuality will be stillborn.

If, on the other hand, you uncover what moves and motivates you, you will soon notice that you have picked up the paintbrush: suddenly you are painting the shapes of you your feelings on that blank canvas.

After all, you are the artist, you can paint anything you like!

What you are painting is as ephemeral as anything else in life, but the lines you draw, the shapes you form, and the colours you choose are what gives your life a meaning.

So loose the pre-written script, take a blank canvas and start painting your life!

With this in mind, I wish you a wonderful week and sending you oceans of love,

© Momentum Strategies 2012  

Monday, November 5, 2012

Da Li Je Dovoljno Jednom?

Dragi prijatelji,

Bila je to, najblaže rečeno, ispunjena nedelja, nedelja u kojoj sam imala priliku da se ponovo upoznam sa magičnim načinom rada ljudskog uma.
Dok sam razgovarala o vremenu i temama za radionicu koju sam sutradan održavala, mlada žena je čula moj telefonski razgovor i sa oduševljenjem i nestrpljenjem me pitala da li su radionice otvorene za svakoga. Moj odgovor je, naravno, bio “Da!”. Ona se nasmejala rekavši da njoj nije potrebno da dodje, pitala je zbog dečka, i čoveče, ako bi samo mogla da ga ubedi da dodje, svi njihovi problemi i nesuglasice bili bi rešeni, naročito što je potrebna samo ‘jedna’ radionica da bi došlo do potpune životne transformacije, jer, kako je ona to stručno objasnila - njemu je bila dovoljna jedna.
Komentari poput ovih me nasmeju, a takodje me nateraju da se zamislim... Čovečanstvo je došlo do tačke gde su ljudi spremni da ulože jedan sat, jedan dan, jedan vikend u nešto što je dobro za njih - i da se onda vrate svojim starim navikama, misleći da je jednom dovoljno. Neki ljudi su spremni da provedu ceo život prepuštajući se lošim navikama a očekuju da jednokratna čudotvorna seansa reši sve njihove probleme. Da li je dovoljan jedan odlazak u teretanu da postanemo super vitki, zategnuti i zavodljivi, ili nam je potrebno više poseta da postignemo željeni izgled?!
Kratak susret sa tom mladom ženom vratio mi je u sećanje konsultaciju koju sam imala sa svojim dragim prijateljem i izvrsnim lekarem, Dr. Džonsom, koji mi je rekao - parafraziram - da nije dovoljno jesti zdravo jedan dan! Zdravo življenje, razvijanje zdravih navika, kontrolisanje sopstvenog uma, tela i duše je nešto na čemu svi treba da radimo i što treba da bude način života.
Uostalom, imamo samo jednu šansu da živimo! Zar ne bi bilo sjajno da je učinimo veličanstvenom, živeći punim plućima, učeći da zamenimo toksičnu hranu, ljude, veze, misli sa zdravim i blagotvornim, i ne samo jednom, podsećam vas, nego zauvek! Jer dobre stvari nikada nije dovoljno iskusiti samo jedanput! Vi ćete uvek želeti više i želećete da i drugi ljudi uživaju u blagodetima dobrih stvari, zar ne?
Dakle, ovog puta vas pozivam da kreirate prostor za zdrave veze, počevši sa samom/samim sobom i da posmatrate efekat koji će to imati na sve oko vas, tako da nećete imati drugi izbor sem da to učinite trajnim i stalnim stanjem!

Obasipam vas okeanima ljubavi,


Vracanje Sebe Sebi

Kada ste poslednji put uradili nesto za svoju dusu? Ne samo nesto sto volite da radite, sto vam se svidja, vec nesto sto vas istinski ispunjava?

Poznato je koliko je lako davati, davati drugima, deliti sa drugima...No vrlo cesto zaboravljamo da damo onoj osobi koja je najvaznija-nama samima! Zaboravljamo da pitamo same sebe sta nam je potrebno, kako smo...

Zbog dinamike zivota i brzine zivota, naucile smo da dajemo sebi 'male' stvari....Castimo se kafom sa prijateljicom, odvojimo vreme da procitamo knjigu koja nam se svidja...ali koliko cesto radimo nesto sto zaista ispunjava nasu dusu, sto nas putpuno regenerise? Nesto sto cini da sijamo, plenimo, zracimo iznutra!

Poznavajuci ljudsku prirodu, predpostavljam da sebi ne ugadjamo cesto.

Vreme za 'mene' cesto stavimo u pregradu 'nevazno', i ostavimo za neki drugi dan, za dan kad imamo vise vremena!

Ali kad taj dan dodje, i kad uradimo nesto sto nas stvarno ispunjava i cini da svaki delic nase duse peva, efekat je caroban, i utice na svaku oblast naseg zivota.

Prisutniji smo, srecniji, zadovoljniji...Efikasniji smo u poslu.

Stvari koje imaju za cilj hranjenje nase duse, povecanje naseg potencijala, efikasnosti, nisu vazne, one su krucijalne!!!

Kao sto automobil ne moze da ide bez goriva, tako i mi ne mozemo da zivimo ispunjenim zivotima ako stalno oduzimamo, a vrlo retko, dodajemo!

Kad odvojmo vreme za sebe, i damo sebe sebi, vracamo se u zivot, dodajemo zivot godinama, pa nam je onda zivot osmisljeniji, ima pravu svrhu, a kad zivot ima svrhu, onda je to prava stvar!

Aktivnosti koje hrane dusu se razlikuju od osobe do osobe...ali ih je lako je pronaci i otkiti sta je to sto vas ispunjava!

Od klijenata cesto cujem da ne znaju sta ih ispunjava, i da su nepovratno izgubili tu iskru koju su ranije imali?! Vecina njih kaze da ne bi znala kako da je pronadje...

Evo jedne male vezbe za ponovno pronalazenje onoga sto nas ispunjava...

Gde vam lutaju misli kad sanjarite?! Kad ne biste imali nikakvih obaveza, ili kad biste imali celi dan na raspolaganju...sta biste radili?

Koje od aktivnosti, u kojima ste ranije uzivali, cine da vam srce brze zakuca cak i na samo pomosao na njih?! One koje vam vracaju osmeh na lice?! Oslusnite svoje telo, ono ce vam reci sta je to sto vas potpuno ispunjava. Odvojte petnaestak minuta za ovu vezbu

Lako je podceniti snagu i uticaj koju ove aktivnosti imaju na nas zivot.

Kako se osecate, kako se ponasate, kako razmisljate, kako 'izgledate' u svakodnevnom zivotu. Sve je to povezano sa time koliko ispunjeno i osmisljeno zivite svoj zivot.

Vreme provedeno sa porodicom, prijateljima, setnje u prirodi...

Osmelite se i naucite da provedete vreme sa samima sobom. Pozovite sebe na 'sastanak' i posvetite se sebi i uzivajte u svakom trenutku!

Mozda ovo zvuci paradoksalno, ali kad savladate tehniku davanja vremena samome sebi i uzivanja u istom, jos vise cete uzivatinu druzenju sa drugim ljudima, pazljivije cete birati svoje okruzenje, bicete svesniji svojih potreba i onoga sto vas istinski ispunjava.

Cinjenica je da smo nauceni da cekamo da se pojavi pravi trenutak da radimo stvari koje nas ispunjavaju!

Zao mi je sto moram da vam ovo kazem na ovakav nacin, ali taj se trenutak nece pojaviti, i postoji velika sansa da ga cekate jedno izvesno vreme:-)!

Naucili smo da 'popunjavamo' vreme aktivnostima koje samo prividno cine da se osecamo OK, i imaju kratkotrajni efekat. A nadam se da vecina nas planira zivot na duge staze, i zeli da se posveti aktivnostima koje ispunjavaju dusu i imaju dugotrajtni efekat!

Koliko ljudi provede sate i sate za racunarom, telefonom, na Facebook-u, a nije ni nsvesna da je za to vreme mogla da udadi nesto za sebe, nesto sto ce imati dugotrajni efekat...

Pitam se koliko je lako sesti i napraviti listu aktivnosti koje vas ispunjavaju?! Pa sa tako pripremljenom listom donesite odluku da odvojite sat vremena u toku jedne nedelje da se posvetite sebi, svojoj dusi!

Sa ovim na umu, ostavljam vas da razmislite o stvarima koje vas ispunjavaju, koje vracaju iskru zivota, i koje ce vas naterati da napravite prostor u nedeljnom rasporedu za 'sastanak sa dusom';-)!

Kreirajte pola sata kako biste dobili sto vise od ove vezbe;-)! Zatvorite oci, udahnite I izdahnite duboko nekoliko puta, i onda oslusnite ste se desava u vasem telu. Opustite se, a ako ipak osetite veliku aktivnost uma, puno pitanja, unutrasnjih dijaloga, prihvatite ih, i neka vam oni budu vodic. Uposlite ih! Pitajte ih, da vam ukazu na aktivnosti/navike koje treba otpustiti i kojima je prosao rok trajanja;-), dozvolite im da odu, i razmislite kojim biste ih novim aktivnostima/navikama zamenili?! Kad zavrsite, napravite listu tih ‘novih’ aktivnosti i krenite u akciju!

Čudesna draž neizvesnosti

“Misterija i neizvesnost su energije života. Ne dozvolite da vas nepotrebno uplaše, jer one drže dosadu na odstojanju i bude kreativnost” R. I. Fitzhenry

Moje iskustvo pokazuje da svi uživamo u sistemu u kome vlada izvesnost, u kome plivamo u domenu poznatog, oslobodjeni bilo kakvih talasanja. Medjutim, veoma često u životu susrećemo se sa situacijama u kojima moramo da surfujemo na talasima neizvesnosti i nepredviljivosti.

Kroz istoriju, veliki umovi poput Vinikota i Kitsa, pisali su o važnosti posedovanja kapaciteta za neizvesnost. Neizvesnost je stanje u kome smo svi bili, i opet ćemo biti, a čije su glavne odlike briga i stres. Ponekada ovo stanje može potrajati prilično dugo i zato je od presudnog značaja razvijanje snažne psihologije i sistema za održavanje iste.

U cilju razvijanja sopstvene sposobnosti da se nosimo sa neizvesnošću, moramo neprestano nastojati da se razvijamo da bi i naši energetski potencijali rasli, tako da - kada se i desi nešto neplanirano - anksioznost bude znatno umanjena.

Za početak, kreiranje kapaciteta za neizvesnost iziskuje strogu disciplinovanost i posvećenost s naše strane. Medjutim vremenom, kako postanemo svesni naših stanja u situacijama koje su nepoznate i neizvesne, mi učimo da funkcionišemo u njima, bez zrnca brižnosti i stresa. Osposobljavamo se da dočekujemo te iste situacije sa dobrodošlicom i da ih cenimo, jer učimo mnogo iz njih.

Čak i kada nema “kriznih situacija” kao takvih, naš oformljen kapacitet za neizvesnost služi kao preventivna mera. Postaje neka vrsta spontanog filtera kroz koji se oslobadjaju ranije frustracije, ograničena verovanja i otpori.

Naš kapacitet za neizvesnost znači oslobadjanje sve energije koja je nekada bila vezana za stresne i neizvesne situacije. Jednom kad je ta energija oslobodjena, stvara se prostor za radost življenja, za kreativnost, za fleksibilnost. I zato je veoma važno imati razvijen i duboko ukorenjen kapacitet za neizvesnost.

Imajući ovo u vidu, želim vam nedelju punu divnih neizvesnosti, a ako stignete zabavite se tekstom u prilogu koji izlazi iz šablona izvesnog I očekivanog

Ov1 2or3k1 sl3ži d1 dok1že k1ko s3 n1ši 36ovi s2osobni z1 7enij1lne
s5v1ri! N1 2oče5k3 je bilo 5eško 1li s1d1, 3 ovo6 red3 v1š 36 či51 ovo 135o615ski bez r1z6išlj1nj1, b3di5e 2onosni! S16o neki lj3di 6o73 d1 či51j3 ovo!

Da li ste spremni da sledite same sebe?

Bila je ovo zanimljiva nedelja. Nedelja kojom su prodefilovali intersantni, inspirativni, hrabri ljudi. Ljudi koji idu dalje uprkos preprekama, ljudi koji postavljaju nove standarde, podizu lestvicu, ljudi sa vizijom kako za sebe, tako i za svoje okruzenje. Ljudi koji nesebicno daju, ljudi koji vole druge ljude, ljudi sa jasnom idejom ko su i sta je njihova misija u zivotu.

I upravo ovo pitanje o tome sta je nasa misija, i kako mozemo da zivimo autenticno, prateci svoje srce, je tema koja uvek tera na razmisljanje, a i privukla je u moj zivot dogadjaj o kome zelim napisati par recenica...

Elem, pre par nedelja, prijateljica me je pozvala i pitala da li zelim da idem na promociju knjige Eve Branson, jer, po recima moje prijateljice, postoji nesto u meni sto je neverovatno podseca na nju (Eve Branson). Za neupucene, Eve Branson je majka Sir Richard-a Branson-a, zena koju je Kate Winslet proslog leta spasla od pozara na Bransonovom ostrvu Necker.

Kad sam ugledala Eve, ono sto mi je odmah privuklo paznju je njena spontanost, otvorenost, radoznalost i vragolast osmeh:-)! Imajte na mu da je promocija njene knjiga bila rezervisana za porodicu, i uzi krug prijatelja, tako da je spontanost sa njene strane bila i ocekivana, mada...

Razlika izmedu onih ljudi koji su otvoreni i spontani samo sa ljudma koje poznaju, i Eve je u tome, sto je ona ceo zivot zivela tako sto je ostala svoja, autenticna, spontana, otvorena, bez obzira na to ko je u njenim drustvu/okruzenju. Iz njenih prica jasno se videlo da je hrabra, da ne prihvata 'ne' kao odgovor. Naucila je da upravlja avionom u vreme kada zenama nije bilo dozvoljeno da hodaju same ulicom, a kamoli da voze avione! Ocigledno je da se upravlja Niceovom filozofijom, a to je da kad je 'zasto' dovoljno jako, put do 'kako' se lako nadje... Mozete zamisliti kako je taj njen zivotni stav uticao na njenu decu?! Sir Richard Branson je vlasnik Virgin airlines-a!!!

Jasno je da je Eve bila spremna da prati sebe, svoje srce. Odlucna, prisutna i svesna sebe i svojih mogucnosti, hrabro je isla u pravcu o kome drugi nisu ni sanjali! I znate sta?! Taj njen stav je dao rezultate. Njen zivot je ispunjen i osmisljen. Ovo pokazuje, da ako smo spremni da sledimo sebe i svoje snove, mozemo otici daleko!

Glavi sastojak za ovakav zivot je da to uradimo sami, i da ne ocekujemo od drugih da sanjaju nase snove! Ne mozete biti dobar advokat, lekar, ekonomista, muzicar, ako Vas ta profesija koju ste 'izabrali' ne ispunjava. Ne moze se sanjati o ispunjenom zivotu, ako nismo iskreni prema samima sebi. Ako ne sledimo sebe...

Sa ovim na umu, pozivam Vas da ove nedelje nadjete trenutak za sebe i zapitate se sta bi trebalo da se desi, kako biste iskreno i autenticno sledili sebe. Sta bi trebalo da se desi, kako biste sebi 'poklonili' to iskustvo... I makar na kratko osetili lepotu, jednostavnost i ispunjenost Vaseg autenticnog bica!

Loše Nasuprot Osrednjem

Dragi prijatelji,

Moja cela protekla nedelja je bila vezana za “Pay it forward”* i ispunjena nasumičnim dobrim delima. Bez obzira koliko velika ili mala, ona doprinose našem svetu i njegovom poboljšanju.
Srećom, odrasla sam u porodici gde je “Pay it forward” bilo i ostalo jedini način koji moja porodica i ja znamo. Ove nedelje sam bila posebno ohrabrena, jer sam imala priliku da se angažujem kroz “Pay it forward” na različite načine, što je dovelo do nekih vrlo zanimljivih razgovora.
U svetu u kome živimo, previše je sebičnosti i premalo ljudske povezanosti. Ono što primećujem je da su neki ljudi postali podozrivi prema drugima. Uplašeni da budu dobri i da čine dobro.
Ovakvo ponašanje je dovelo do nastanka nove vrste ljudi. Ta nova vrsta je - mediokritet vrsta. Živimo u svetu u kome se slave mediokritet, osrednja dela i rezultati.
To me je nagnalo da pomislim da su osnovne karakteristike osrednjosti - nedostatak odgovornosti, nepostojanje svesti o društvenom progresu i blagostanju, i ogromna trivijalna ambicija. Ove odlike su proizvod ćelijskog nivoa strukture i stoga - mogu da budu opasne.  One pothranjuju jedna drugu, a u isto vreme, protivreče jedna drugoj. Pojedinci koji neguju osrednjost, nažalost, nisu ni svesni toga.
Vidite, kada je nešto loše, ono ima šansu da postane bolje; jer loše može da ostane u tom stanju samo odredjeno vreme pre nego što postane svesno da stvari moraju da se promene.
I tako, loše se menja i kreće ka tome da postane dobro. Sa druge strane, to nije slučaj sa mediokritetom. Zašto? Zato što je mediokritet zasnovan na glorifikovanju svoje sopstvene prosečne egzistencije dok, u isto vreme, pothranjuje iluziju veličine. U takvom postojanju ima vrlo malo, ili nimalo, prostora za promenu.
Imajući ovo na umu, pozivam vas da provedete nedelju praktikujući “Pay it forward” i razvijajući svest o osrednjim strukturama u vašem okruženju - svi ih imamo, samo je pitanje uočavanja, pomeranja i delovanja mimo njih!

Šaljem vam okeane ljubavi,


*“Pay it forward” je izraz u engleskom jeziku koji se najbliže može prevesti kao “prenesi dalje”. Izraz se koristi da opiše koncept po kome, čineći dobro delo, pojedinac ne očekuje nikakvu direktnu ličnu korist zauzvrat, već nasuprot - očekuje i nada se da će primalac dobrog dela biti inspirisan da širi dobročinstvo dalje, prema trećim licima. Koncept je star ali se smatra da sama fraza potiče iz romana “Garden of delight” iz 1916, spisateljice Lili Hardi Hamond. (
Kako praktikovati “Pay it forward”:

1. Obratite pažnju na prilike da pomognete drugima. Možda imate starijeg komšiju, ili nekoga u okruženju kome je potrebna pomoć a ko je previše ponosan da pita za pomoć. Svojim nenametljivim dobrim delima možete promeniti poglede ljudi na svet.
2. Učinite nešto lepo za nekoga koga ne poznajete (ili ne poznajete dovoljno dobro). To bi trebalo da bude značajna pomoć ali ne nekome od koga očekujete bilo šta zauzvrat.
3. Raširite ovu priču. Ako vam osoba kojoj ste pomogli zahvali i poželi da vam uzvrati dobro delo, zamolite je da umesto toga uradi nešto dobro za tri osobe koje ne poznaje, i da ih zamoli da oni učine isto za još tri osobe. Ideja je da se svesno poveća dobročinstvo u svetu.
4. Prenesite dalje. Kada primetite da je neko učinio nešto dobro za vas, podsetite sebe da ‘prenesete dalje’ i da i sami učinite nešto dobro za tri druge osobe.

(; )

Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Alternative Dialogue

Dear Friends,

‘A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue. That’s why there are so few good conversations: due to scarcity, two intelligent talkers seldom meet’. ~Truman Capote

This week the thought that occupied my mind was communication. More specifically, multiple levels of communication.

The beauty of communication lies in the fact that it consists of many levels, and in our everyday communication with others we use those levels.

Variety of our communication depends on our level of curiosity, knowledge, inspiration, mood we are in, our circumstances, environment, etc. What is important though is that we must work on developing different ways to communicate with one another, as this will contribute to the quality of our communication with others.

In this context, I would like to focus on a specific kind of communication, the one I choose to call ‘alternative dialogue’.

You are probably guessing what I am about to say;-).

We all communicate differently, sometimes we listen intently, other times we interrupt the conversation, and there are times when we wait until it’s our turn to speak…In all these scenarios, very often there isn’t a real meaningful interaction between what is being said and what is being listened to or heard.

To put it simply, while one person is talking, the other one is not really listening to the content, but is eager to fill a nanosecond gap, and is working over time to think up of a suitable, or not, content with which it would fill that nanosecond gap, and in doing so, they are not attentively listening to the other person.

In this meaningless vacuum of words, there is often a different non-verbal position of a listener, depending on whether he (the listener) is a disinterested (careless) or too eager (careful).

In almost every conversation, a disinterested (careless) person, is not really interested in listening, and in a rather dominant fashion accentuates their story and its importance, while, an eager (careful) person does the opposite.

A careful person, in almost every conversation plays down the importance of their story. It is important to note that both careless and a careful person are engaging in an alternative dialogue, without any desire for a meaningful conversation.

I’ve found that a good dialogue tells you not only what people are saying or how they are communicating, but it tells you a great deal about the quality of the character.

So, instead of being careless and careful in a conversation, it is a lot more valuable to care.

Because to care means to be present, committed and attentive, and this will create a collagen thread between listening and talking.

With this in mind, in every conversation, strive for commitment, as it is the only way to ensure a meaningful and delightful communication.

I wish you a wonderful week and send you an ocean of love,

©Momentum Strategies 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Of Bathing and Laundering

‘The wound is the place where the Light enters you.’ ~ Rumi

Dear Friends,

It has been an interesting month. A challenging month. A month of holidaying, working, learning and being tested.

A month that has flown by, and a month where I've met some wonderful people, a soul mate, and a month where I learnt that even my mum, a Super Woman, couldn't escape Mr. Cancer!

It came, crept in, unannounced and decided to give her a little warning...A reminder, if you like, that life is to be sampled like the most delicious and scrumptious delicacy, and not something that is there to be rushed!

My mum rushed. Everywhere. Never late for anything. Always prepared and ready. She ran before the wind...And while she was running, she couldn't run away from cancer. It caught up with her.

The worst is over, she is out of the hospital, and at home enjoying wheatgrass, green drinks, reading, and enjoying life. Appreciating it and seeing it through different eyes. She has become a little selfish, and I like that. Before she says 'yes' she stops, checks with herself and her 'internal team' and then proceeds. She is giving herself back to herself. She is loving herself again...

I delighted in witnessing this change in her. A change that was 'forced' upon her, a change she didn't resist. She embraced it, found a higher purpose, learnt to slow down, enjoy every minute of every day...

And while all this was going on, I couldn't help noticing, that instead of bathing ourselves in the fragrant and healing bath that life is, we very often choose to just laundry ourselves; forgetting that we really only have one shot at life!

With this in mind, I invite you to explore areas of your life where instead of choosing to bathe yourself you choose laundering! Stop, consider it and choose wisely!

I wish you a wonderful week and send you an ocean of love,

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Of Labyrinths and Obstacles

'The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.' ~ Moliere

Dear Friends,

A conversation I had with a dear friend, about self imposed obstacles, self-sabotage, the need to listen to our inner voice, that's not always supportive and encouraging, let alone kind and loving, made me think that it is actually us that are complicating our lives, and not some kind of external forces, over which we have no choice.

We create labyrinths, out of which we'd rather not come out;-)!

When something untoward happens, we are inclined to go back to a tried and tested victim state, then move onto 'this always happens to me' phrase, only to fall back into the classic mode of blaming some external force:-)!

What fascinates me and begs a question is how come we, more often than not, go for the usual, predictable patterns of behavior, those that may have had their use in the past, and are no longer needed? Often times, we know fully well that they are in need of a total overhaul, and yet, we cling onto them.

It is those predictable patterns that create labyrinths in our lives that we find difficult to get out of. And those self-made labyrinths are a cause for concern, as self-sabotage feeds on them.

So yesterday, in that conversation with a friend, I had a major breakthrough with regards to the labyrinths that I created:-)!

Frankly, I was fed up with going round in circles, without seeing a way out! I decided to transform labyrinths into obstacles, as they (obstacles), are fun to overcome and work with, they get my creative juices flowing, I become more resourceful and they help me grow!

And the most important thing is, that this simple, yet powerful decision, helped me move from being at the effect to getting at cause, in a heartbeat:-)!

Are there any labyrinths in your life that need turning into fun obstacles:-)?

I wish you a wonderful week, and sending you oceans of love,

©Momentum Strategies 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Jung & Pay It Forward

Dear Friends,

You will, have, no doubt, heard and said many times before, a phrase: ‘There are no coincidences’. At times, this phrase can sound a bit empty, meaningless even. These coincidences, on the surface have no real origin. They are spiritual in nature, possibly driven by cause and effect, and are omnipresent. We just need to be open and let them happen. And when they appear, that is what we call authentic Jungian coincidence.

Alongside this type of coincidences, there are bizarre, everyday ones, those that happen to all of us; and it is becoming increasingly ‘fashionable’ to announce them as events of a ‘higher’ nature?. And you will agree that, there’s no real criterion to differentiate Jungian synchronicity from everyday coincidences, in an academic, theoretical way, at least.

I believe that authentic Jungian synchronicity is the one that links our unconscious intention and creates possibilities for new and unexpected events. These events, albeit unexpected appear to be linked by an invisible thread?.

And this very kind of magical synchronicity started happening to me last week, and reached its highest point over the weekend!

Anyways, the end of a busy working week, has lead me to Montenegro, where I decided to spend the weekend exploring the beauty of the Adriatic coast. All senses, all receptors, my Unconscious were open and at the ready?! And then, the magic started to unfold…

A simple event, put in motion another event, and paved the way for yet another, and another, and then a whole series of synchronicities! At one point I began to feel as Jung has decided to spend the weekend with me?!

To an uneducated eye, a series of events that was unfolding before my very eyes, would’ve been ‘nothing’ special…I however could see the point behind these events?!

You see, when a plethora of Jungian events starts to dance the most enchanting dance right in front of you, you feel, with every atom of your being, that there’s something higher, something that carries a real meaning, going on. This is not an event that will satisfy a profane and by default comment that  ‘There are no coincidences’!

So here’s this weekend’s example: when, on your walk by the beach, (engaged in thoughts of random acts of kindness and planning a Pay It Forward schedule for Eastern Europe), a shadow of a late French doctor of Serbian descent, appears, the very doctor, who did so many random kind acts of kindness, both in Serbia, Montenegro, France, and later in Africa, in Mali; the man who was practically living his life along the principles of Pay It Forward, (long before Pay It Forward movement was born), and in steps a ghost of an African Princess Kadi, the late doctor’s wife, in a place called Kindness (Dobrota in Montenegrin), you begin to appreciate all that Jung is doing for you?! To top the whole experience off, after the most magical weekend, I got and an invite for a drink with one of the prominent art collectors who supports and promotes young and up and coming artists…All this and, in a weirdly wonderful way, I get to be involved in these beautiful Jungian synchronicites?!

I send you oceans of love and I wish you a week of wonderful synchronicites!


©Momentum Strategies 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Peace and Play Brother

Dear Friends,

It is exactly a week since I had one of the most amazing weekends in Serbia?!

It was a Flashmob for Peace weekend, organized globally by a super star Elliot Kay, in which Serbia participated!

Please forgive me if I sound like a miss World contestant?, however, peace on Earth, peaceful co-existence between countries, peace of mind, body and soul, are issues close to my heart, and I wanted to contribute by getting my country involved in this amazing initiative!

So, a group of totally awesome people gathered last Saturday and made the event possible. What was interesting, was that each and everyone of us came out and brought our inner child to play?!

It is our inner child, after all, that wants peace, calm, cooperation and collaboration. Children have no need for wars, fights, disagreements... All they want is to play and have fun!

We sang Lennon’s ‘Give peace a chance’, we ‘directed’ a mini ‘Give peace a chance’ recital, flew white Peace balloons, and rounded the whole thing off by jumping and throwing shapes on a giant trampoline… Amount of fun we had, would’ve been too much to measure even for the latest and most sophisticated version of fun-O-meter ?!

Say the word ‘Peace’ and trust the Unconscious to do the job?!

With this in mind, I invite you to take a moment and ask yourself when was the last time you took your inner child to play??! If you haven’t recently done so, decide to use this last weekend in August to make it memorable and do just that…play?!

I wish you a wonderful weekend and sending you oceans of love,


© Momentum Strategies 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Coach Coach Where Art Thou :-)

Dear Friends,

I'd love to start this note, by saying how much I love exercising:-)!

Some days more than others...permission to be human, please;-)!

And as with many things in my life, when I do something for a while, unless I take it up a notch, or unless I introduce a dose of variety, I get bored:-)! The same happened with my gym routine:-)! I got bored by getting the same results, and decided to hire a personal trainer! I searched and I found:-).

Great guy, a professional athlete, and someone who knows his stuff! A real coach - he spurs me on even when I am beat and gasping for air:-)!

And while happily exercising and learning about the muscles I didn't know existed;-), I started thinking about the advantages and maybe disadvantages of having a coach or mentor!

Because, most times, we 'think' we know how to do stuff, and in so doing, we can create more damage to ourselves than good! When I train alone, a couple of millimeters in posture/standing/weights can make all the difference.

Being coached how to do things right is priceless, however long it takes to get it right! A word of warning though - we must monitor our progress carefully, and make sure that our relationship with exercise and a coach doesn't become addictive. If that happens, spontaneity out of exercising can be taken away, and a fun activity can turn into a chore!

I noticed this pattern developing in me. I noticed how, after a while,  I went and did the training even tough  I didn't feel like it! I noticed that other activities, especially tennis, were put on the back burner, there was no variety and what's interesting, is that I stopped enjoying going to the gym:-)!

So, I decided to break this pattern, and exercise with my coach a couple of times a week, and the rest of the week, I get to be my own coach:-)!

And boy, did I become creative:-)! And the results didn't stop because I stopped training with my coach 6 days a week! It was a great example of turning from being at the effect, in a way, to being at cause:-)! And the feeling is amazing!

So with this in mind, may I invite you to think about stuff in your life that you may be doing by default, where you are at the effect, and where you could easily turn it to be at cause:-)!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, and sending you oceans of love!


© Momentum Strategies 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Forgive and Keep Paying It Forward

‘Always remember the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.’?~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Dear Friends,

It took a little over a week for the feeling of anger and helplessness, that nested within moi, to disappear, or to turn from its original form into a different one:-)!

Anyways, ten days ago I was robbed and found myself in the middle of a relatively familiar ground, with no money, no credit cards, no ID, no driving license...What I had though was a company of lovely people, understanding policeman, and a choice of states, courtesy of many years spent learning from the best and with the best.

When I realised that my purse was no longer inhabiting my handbag, a sense of fear, anger, helplessness, took over. It didn't last long though! I called the banks, cancelled the cards, went into the nearest police station and reported a theft, and everything went smoothly.

I learnt a lot from that situation, and paradoxically, I learnt a lot about myself:-)! This event showed me that I had resources within me, that I wasn't even aware existed!

With hindsight, I see it as a test from the Universe. To see if all the years spent investing in myself were not in vain:-)! And you know what?! I feel like I passed the test...with flying colours!

I understood, forgave, learnt, and moved on...very very fast. Within hours of my purse being stolen, I got a phone call saying that my purse was found:-)!  With all my documents and, by this stage, totally useless credit cards, as they were all blocked. So with a recovered and slightly impoverished purse:-), a series of beautiful events started to unfold.

I was at a receiving end of Pay It Forward, as my beautiful and caring friends stepped in and were my 'sponsors' for the rest of the day. Suddenly everyone that I met after the event had the most amazing smile and came from the heart! A policeman who helped me, found a long lost colleague of his, when he had to dial a number and find out an information with regards to my documents...How beautiful is that?! He also gave me his phone number to call him if I needed help with anything else! The amount of kindness I experienced on that day was unbelievable!!! So the theft served its purpose:-)!

Even my insurance agent was amazing and super efficient! So everything is restored, money, cards, documents, and my faith in humanity and the principles of Paying it Forward have reached an all time high:-)!

Pay It Forward people and know that 'bad' things happen so that we can experience tons of amazingly good stuff!

Learn, love and forgive!

Sending you oceans of love,

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Keep on Searching, Baby :-)

'Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.' ~ Rumi

Dear Friends,

Whenever you feel there's something missing in your life, stop for a moment, and get an insight into your current situation, and decide to turn things into your favor!

The feeling that something is missing, can easily be flipped and turned into conscious awareness, and it is an expression of a strong inner desire to achieve that which you miss the most.

Think of it as a sign, a valuable and healing message that your unconscious is sending you. Nothing is missing, nothing is lost - everything exists within the realm of now… It is just that our potential should be awaken!

And in that awaken, moving and dynamic state the sense of fulfillment is being achieved, and the process of continuously pushing the barriers and raising the bar starts to bring results.

As a rule, that which we seek the most is already present in our lives…It’s just that it’s in the form that we don’t yet recognize. The moment we stop to so intensely look for it on the outside, we’ll find it on the inside, within ourselves.

With this in mind, may I invite you to continue the search for that gold key within you. At times it can be easily find, and at times the search may take longer… However, the important thing is to keep searching and to never give up!

I wish you a wonderful week and send you oceans of love,


© Momentum Strategies 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - More Than Just A Game

Dear Friends,

On this historic evening, where London, my adopted home town for the past 22 years, is getting ready for the event that took seven years to prepare.

Isn't it amazing that the whole seven years were invested for 'mere' two weeks of fierce competition. It goes to show, that if we want serious results, we must employ serious effort. We must apply ourselves fully, in all areas, without leaving any space unattended.

This past week I've been thinking a lot about the importance of being always ready! In fact, this was the opening line of an interview I had with a journalist (interview will be published next week)! I'll keep you posted.

There isn't much fun in pulling our resources in the last minute. Too much energy is wasted, and very little space for a continuous growth is created.

I am inspired with this Olympic Spirit, not only with regards to physical strength, but also with regards to our spiritual, mental and moral virtues.

With this in mind, during the next two weeks, watching the Olympians compete, may I invite you to explore Olympian qualities within you! Where do you excel, and where the growth area might be!

Sending you oceans of love, and keep aiming for gold...this week and beyond:-)!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Self-Improvement and Self-Acceptance

Dear Friends,

To some extent, we all strive towards being better people.

And I believe that we all would like to be better, to be more. Yet, a handful of us understands the flow of interdependent vessels that are self-improvement and self-acceptance.

Self- improvement has to do with our intellect, whereas self-acceptance is linked with spirituality. Self-improvement is connected with mind, and self-acceptance finds its root in being. Self-improvement is a dynamic category, while self-acceptance is static. And what may appear as a paradox, at first glance, is that self-improvement, 'wastes' and 'speeds up' our time, while self-acceptance saves it and it slows it down.

Primary goal of each and everyone of us is to strive towards being better. However, in order to do so, first we must accept ourselves as we are, and from that very point aim towards self-improvement. When this kind of interaction is achieved, self-improvement will turn towards 'self'.

So, when you think of your self-improvement, look inside of your very being, observe your current position with great deal of kindness and love, look at your current potentials, resources, accept yourself...It is only when you are able to do so, the real self-improvement can take place.

It is important to note that self-improvement is not an external category that depends on our clothes, make up, etc. Its essence lies within the realm of our inner being. Self-improvement based on external factors can easily be noticed (mainly in the eyes and the look of the beholder), it is short lived, and what's important is that, self-improvement based on these factors cannot bring a long-term satisfaction and fulfillment.

With this in mind, I wish you a wonderfully improved and accepted week:-)!

Sending you oceans of love,

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Capacity for Uncertainty

‘Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don’t let them scare you unduly, for they keep boredom at bay and spark creativity.’ ~ R. I. Fitzhenry

Dear Friends,

My experience shows that we all enjoy functioning in the system where certainty reigns, where we swim within realm of familiarity, free from any turbulence. However, very often in life we encounter situations where we surf on the wave of uncertainty, unpredictability...

Through history, great scholars, like Winnicott, Keats, and such like wrote about the importance of capacity for uncertainty though. Uncertainty is a state where all of us have been and will be, and its main characteristic is anxiety and stress. At times, this state can last fairly long, and the importance of developing a robust psychology and a system to support it is vital.

In order to develop our capacity for uncertainty we must constantly endeavor to grow, so that our energetic potentials can grow too, and when this happens, anxiety is greatly diminished.

To start with, creating our capacity for uncertainty calls for a strong discipline and commitment from our part. However, as we become aware of our states in situations that are unfamiliar and uncertain, we learn how to function in them, without insomuch as a grain of anxiety or stress. We welcome them and appreciate them, as we learn a great deal from them.

Our capacity for uncertainty means letting go of all the energy that used to be linked to stressful and uncertain situations. Once that energy is released, it creates a space for joie de vivre, for creativity, for flexibility.

Even when there are no 'crisis situations' as such, thus created capacity for uncertainty serves as a preventative measure. It becomes some kind of a spontaneous filter through which earlier created frustrations, limiting beliefs, resistance, are released. And that's why having it (capacity for uncertainty) deeply engrained within us is of great importance.

With this in mind, I wish you a week of wonderful uncertainties:)!

Sending you oceans of love,

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - The Need to Be Right

Dear Friends,

I wonder if you were ever in the situation where you had to defend your way of thinking, acting, being...?! And if you did, how did it feel?! What did you notice in the process of having to 'fight to be right'?!

Letting go of the need to be right stands high on the personal development ladder. I believe, it is quite possibly one of the most fascinating victories over our Ego, over its need to be in charge. Once we release this need, gains could be manifold. Almost instantly, you could find that more resources are available to you, choices increase, and your attitude becomes refreshingly authentic.

By letting go of the need to be right, our communication skills improve, we become more attentive, we turn into better listeners, and become better at creating solutions for would be challenges.

For our inner growth, the need to be right is irrelevant and totally unimportant. That need is self-imposed and created to 'convince' others. By trying to convince others, we waste precious time and energy, that we could invest elsewhere, i.e. in us!

Paradoxically, when we relinquish this need, and when our thinking, acting, being become 'accepted', it won't matter anymore.  It won't be something that serves Ego's self-confirmation, but an 'aha' moment that will give you an insight into your own journey that continues to unfold and last.

Once this happens, creative juices start flowing, and all the previous self-imposed limitations vanish!

With this in mind, I wish you a wonderfully light and creative weekend!

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Limited or Empowered: The Choice is Yours

‘Emancipate yourself from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our minds.’ ~Bob Marley

Dear Friends,

Last weekend, at the workshop I delivered, we talked about limiting beliefs, and how we allow them to stand in the way of our life's purpose. How our life's message gets buried in the ocean of limiting self talk and self-sabotage…

Limiting beliefs, supported by internal dialogue and a limiting self-talk, can play havoc and seriously impact our performance, and thus stop us from living an inspired life.

When 'practiced' regularly they gain strength, become our story, our identity. In other words they become us. Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, becomes secondary. The main point is they are here and they are crippling us.

So, how do we rid ourselves from them? How do we turn them into empowering beliefs?


First, identify one big limiting belief that you've been carrying with yourself the longest. Write down what is missing in your life as a result of your decision to 'keep' this limiting belief.  Who are you not, as a result of this limiting belief? What don't you have, that you may have otherwise had?

Once you have done this, search for a new empowering belief, the one that will overwrite the old one and make it completely disappear.

Immerse yourself in this new empowering belief. Do it regularly, as you deserve to be the example of excellence for yourself, and inspire others to follow your example.

 I wish you a wonderfully empowering and inspirational weekend!


© Momentum Strategies 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Of Beauty in the Now

‘Travelers, it is late. Life's sun is going to set. 
During these brief days that you have strength,
 be quick and spare no effort of your wings.’ ~ Rumi

Dear Friends,

The beginning of my working week finds me at a beautiful and tranquil spot on the Adriatic coast.

Sitting by the sea, relaxing, with only the sound of the occasional seagull and waves crushing against the rocks...Perfect setting, and one of those rare unpolluted moments... Moments created by nature, and enjoyed by me:-)!

I've had many similar moments in my life, however, I must admit that this one carries something special with it... I have no idea of what it is, it just feels right, aligned, and perfectly perfect...And you know what, unlike previous times, where I risked spoiling a beautiful moment by analyzing it, this time round, I have no desire to dig deep and uncover the source of my joy!

I am here, enjoying the sun, with the man I love, and allowing all of my senses to soak up the beauty of this precious moment! It feels like my whole being is applauding and jumping with joy:-)!

It feels the whole Universe has descended on this beautiful spot, where I happen to be this very moment:-)! I love it!

Most of us are always running, rushing, meeting deadlines, often unaware of the beauty that surrounds us! The beauty is there, wonderful moments also, they beg to be noticed and us;-)!

With this in mind, I wish you a wonderful week, and wonder what beautiful moments will grab your attention?!


© Momentum Strategies 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Get To vs. Got To

‘Life must be lived and curiosity kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life’ ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Dear Friends,

It has been amazing few weeks! Tons of moments for which I am eternally grateful to God, the Universe, and everything and everyone else that contributed and continue to contribute to my growing and enjoying this cycle of human experience called Life!

I spent five days with my peers, saw some old friends and made some new ones! I saw some 5000 people take their lives to a new level, and switching from  a 'got to' attitude to a 'get to' attitude!

And it is this seemingly small semantic trick that makes a whole lot of difference on the quality of our lives.  Time and again, focus and language prove to be key players in how our lives pan out.

You see, when we say I 'got to' do something, something within us shifts, and our Unconscious becomes lazy, lethargic, starts looking for excuses not to do it and seeks out an escape route.

Why?! Because, 'got to' carries with it an 'i-don't-want-to-but-i-have-to' kind of message, and we automatically switch into a gear that takes us to an unresourceful l state that is filled with excuses and strategies for an easy way out:-)!

How about switching to a 'get to'!? 'Get to' carries with it a whole spectrum of possibilities! When we say 'I get to' do something, we can expect an instant shift in our focus, our state, our physiology and therefore our performance!  We become more curious, more alive! And we only changed one little vowel;-)! Not bad, hey?!

Tomorrow, I'll GET TO climb a mountain... What will you GET TO do this weekend...and beyond?!

Wishing you a fabulous weekend,


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - On Sharing and Other Things

'Giving is the highest expression of potency' ~ Erich Fromm

Dear Friends,

The day has started with an uplifting and inspiring conversation with my dear friend Susan.

We had a lot of catching up to do, however, all that we had to say to each other, organically evolved into the subject of sharing, giving, contributing... This IS our purpose!

Our conversation was partly inspired by the fact that we are off to spend few days with people who are committed to taking their lives to the next level, and see the whole idea of sharing and contributing as something every single human being on this planet must make a priority.

Giving empowers, sharing enhances and expands any experience.

Giving without expecting anything back, random acts of giving and sharing kindness with a fellow human being, is something we hear and read a lot about these days... People are learning that it is OK to share, give, smile, without any reason... How about we make it a weekend of... 'just because'!?

With this simple message, I invite you to spend a few days living and breathing and doing random acts of giving and sharing, for no other reason than that it will add even more value to your life and the lives of others!

Wishing you a joyful weekend…and feel free to SHARE your experiences!

With love,
Lidija and Susan Mary Hodgson (a guest contributor and an experienced sharer :) )

©Momentum Strategies 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Life Requires Practice

‘You too must mingle my friends// since the earth and the sky are mingled// just for you and me’ ~ Rumi

Dear Friends,

However strange this phrase may sound, Life, with its ups and downs, has both internal and external aspect. Some people take it at face value and choose to accept it as it is, without much input nor creativity.

Seemingly there are two lives, internal (thoughts, internal dialogue, meditation) and external (friends, family, professional life, everyday life, interests, hobbies).

Most people, instead of connecting these two lives, have a habit of confronting them. These two lives ought to be put into action, they yearn to intertwine, they ought to learn to love one another, to support one another and not create some kind of isolated oasis.

Given that these two lives belong to you, wouldn't it be nice to merge them into one?! When these two lives learn to love one another, support one another, you too will benefit from it.

Some people invest more in one aspect of their life and neglect the other. It is essential that we bear in mind the fact that both internal and external life are in essence one, and if we continue to ignore one, and glorify the other, we will feel unfulfilled.

With this in mind, I wish you an inspiring and creative weekend!


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - A Thought and A Question

'These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others!' ~ Groucho Marx

Dear Friends,

It has been a week where I learnt a lot by simply observing!

I happen to be in Serbia at the moment, where election fever seemed to have gripped the nation, albeit for a week.J I delighted in watching how politics can change people.

Marx said that religion is opium for people, and I would add that politics comes very close to that! It was fascinating how some ordinary people are willing to change their rhetoric, forget about their needs, values, principles and follow something so not in line with who they are at their core!

What's even more astonishing is the absurd conviction that what they've 'chosen' to believe for that particular occasion, will bring them the results they want!

Isn't it a bit insane to hope for victory, while investing nothing and choosing to be something you are not?!

With this in mind, I wish you a lot of YOU this week:-)

Sending you oceans of love,
© Momentum Strategies 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Of Choosing to Be You

"You may make a jewellery flower out of gold and rubies and emeralds, but it will not have fragrance." ~ Rumi

Dear Friends,

This week was all about amazing people and truly inspiring conversations! It was great to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones...
It was one of those weeks where I had to pinch myself few times, to check if I was dreaming! It was that amazing!

You may wonder what made it so special?! My answer to that is openness and authenticity! When you spend time in the company of people who dare to dream, dare to push the boundaries, dare to be themselves, dare to stand for what they believe, dare to question, you cannot help by be inspired and inspire:-)!

You see, many people spend their lives feeling they know better and they deserve better, and yet, they choose, consciously or not;-) to remain on the same know-better-deserve-better step, without ever moving away from it...and when they do (move) it is just to make sure they are still on it (the same step) :-)!

In their stories, they talk about stepping up, and their language is awash with messages only a trained ear can spot;-)! Messages that imply that someone else needs to build that next step for them, i.e. someone they can later blame for the height, shape, texture of the step;-)!

And while waiting for the next step to be built, they play a pick and choose game...Picking someone else's dream, choosing someone else's idea, only to be disappointed again and blaming someone else...again!

We can never be happy nor fulfilled, nor can we live our lives fully and authentically, if we don't ask ourselves two simple and yet very important questions: 'Who am I? and What do I want?'

Have a truly amazing weekend,

©Momentum Strategies 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Of Dreams and Realities

'You were born with potential. /You were born with goodness and trust. /You were born with ideals and dreams. /You were born with greatness.' ~ Rumi

Dear Friends,

The D-day has arrived, and I can proudly say that the Holistic NLP Centre in my hometown of Nis, is opening tonight!!!

Needless to say, I am beyond excited and ever so grateful to all my teachers and friends who I got to meet and learn from on this beautiful cycle of human experience called LIFE.

What once was an idea, a dream, if you like, became a reality! A reality that I am yet to digest:-)! And what's more, it proved that every decision needs a proper foundation, the clearest and purest of intentions, passion for what you do. These are, I believe, the key ingredients for every dream to turn into reality.

If one of the above components are missing, a dream, an idea can become a beautiful story with different endings, and in most cases, a study of excuses, as to WHY it never turned into reality!

As it happens, my dream has a beautiful and purposeful beginning and I aim to share it with the world:-)!

Are there any dreams that you stop from turning into reality? And if so, what would you say is the missing ingredients?

With this thought, I wish you a weekend of big dreams and I send you oceans of love,

©Momentum Strategies 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Of Talking and Understanding

'Panta Rei - Everything is changing'. ~ Heraclitus

Dear Friends,

Hello from sunny Serbia, where May election fever is gripping the nation and taking over Easter holidays. Politicians are using their well-rehearsed speeches and confused electorate is watching and disinterestingly noddingJ.

In this general rehearsal;-), I couldn’t help but notice the underlying message Serbian politicians are conveying: ‘We are responsible for what we say, but not for what you (the electorate) understand’J!

Isn’t this the case in everyday life? Life away from political campaigns, elections and such like… Depending on our filters, any one of us can understand the same story differently.

We all have situations where we have heard someone’s story many times, the same old story, packaged differently though, and our Unconscious recognizes it and decides to switch off, thinking we KNOW what the other person in going to say…

Well, we may have an inkling, but people change, the understanding of their stories change, their needs change and by switching off, we miss the crucial piece of information, the one that may help us see the bigger picture, see it from a different angle understand it better.

With this in mind, I decided to pay better attention to those people around me, who ‘greet’ me with the same old story, and see how or if their narrative is different to before! Our filters change regularly and as a result, so do we – the same is not always the same!

I send you oceans of love and wish you joyous weekend!

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Bad vs. Mediocre

Dear Friends,

This week was all about Paying it Forward and doing random acts of kindness. No matter how big or small, they contribute to our world and to its betterment.

Luckily, I was brought up in a family, where Pay It Forward was and still is the only way my family and I know. It was reinforced this week, where I had the opportunity to pay it forward in various ways, which resulted in some very interesting conversations.

There is way too much selfishness and lack of human connection in the world we live in.  What I notice is that some people have become wary of one another. Scared to be good and do good.

This behavior has given way to a new breed of people. That new breed is – mediocrity. We live in the world where mediocrity, mediocre deeds and results are glorified.

This got me thinking, that basic characteristics of mediocrity are lack of responsibility, the absence of awareness for the social progress and wellbeing, and a huge non-critical ambition. These characteristics are a product of a cellular level structure and therefore can be dangerous. Those individuals who nourish mediocrity are, sadly, not aware of it. These characteristics feed of one another and at the same time contradict one another.

You see, when something is bad, it has a chance to become good; because bad can only stay in that state for a limited period of time, before it becomes aware that things must change. And so, bad changes, and makes a progress towards becoming good. Mediocrity, on the other hand, doesn’t! Why? Because, mediocrity is based on glorifying its own average existence, while feeding the illusion of grandeur. In such existence, there’s very little, or no room for change.

With this in mind, I invite you to spend a week Paying it Forward and be aware of those mediocre structures in your environment – we all have them, it is just a question of recognizing them and moving and acting beyond them!

Sending you oceans of love,

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Of Gold Empty Moments

Dear Friends,

These past few weeks were spent filling my Unconscious with amazing stuff! Stuff the New Code NLP is made ofJ! Heaps of learnings, insights, AHA moments… And so, to allow the good stuff to integrate and settle in, this week, I decided to, offload and observe, to enjoy ‘empty’ moments, to let my mind drift…

When I gave myself this humongous task, I knew I’d be in for a few surprises;-)! I noticed that my immediate response to a free moment was to reach for a book, telephone, iPod, notebook, anything… I had a choice, to succumb to the old go to strategy, or to continue with the new and enjoy the ‘empty’ moment.

I found observing myself very amusing and at times entertaining.  I also noticed other people on the tube, bus, doing the same, finishing with one activity and moving swiftly onto the next.

To begin with, it was challenging, as I am ‘trained’ to use every single free moment and ‘do’ something with it, be productive…

Doing, being productive, has its benefits, however, not allowing yourself a moment in between the tasks, to think, integrate, allow the information to settle, is a different cattle of fish;-)!

And so I ask myself - Are we afraid of activity free moments?! Moments where we are in a know–nothing-just-observing kind of state.

These moments proved to be pure gold! They turned out to be the most productive ones. And as I sit here, writing this, a wise thought from my teacher comes to mind – in between the tasks, take time to offload and experience the light, thought free state.

With this in mind, I wish you a magnificent week and I send you oceans of love,


© Momentum Strategies 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Good Old Habits...

‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you always got!’ ~ Unknown

Dear Friends,

It has been an interesting week. A week in which new friendships were born, new ideas emerged, seeds for new habits sown…

Habits…Good old habits…or not so good!?

Anyway, as I was preparing for a two-week absence and a full immersion into the world of New Code NLP, I was reminded about some habits of mine that in the past were useful and have made a great difference to my life!

The time has come though to replace them with some new ones, or simply upgrade them. As, like with everything else in life, we change, our psychology shifts, and our habits or daily rituals need to change as well.

Most times, we keep them out of ‘habit’;-), even when we know that they no longer serve us in their current role. We have, if you like, trapped them and imprisoned them in the role that has been assigned to them, back in the days when they were needed.

Sometimes, the biggest limitation to our growth and expansion can be those very habits that have outgrown their purpose, and the sooner we change, tweak or upgrade them, the better.

Are there any habits you are holding a prisoner, and are they the  ‘convenient’ reason why you are moving at a slower than expected pace?!

Sending you oceans of love,

© Copyright Momentum Strategies 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Of Insights and Actions

‘Travelers, it is late. Life's sun is going to set.?During these brief days that you have strength,?be quick and spare no effort of your wings!’ ~ Rumi

Dear Friends,

This week was all about insights and actions.

I was speaking with someone who was super proud of a number of insights she's had over the years, and yet hasn't been able to make much out of them. Despite those very powerful insights, life was still happening TO her, as opposed to happening FOR her.

She was curious to find out HOW she could turn those insights into action, and more importantly for her, WHY she choose to hang onto the insights for an extended period of time.

I believe that we all have, at one point in our lives, wallowed in the knowledge that we got the insight and thought that was enough:-)! Insights can be very powerful if used correctly, yet, if left unused, they may lose significance over time.

Once you get an insight, it can evolve in two ways:

- Either you realise that you are meant to raise your game and stop 'playing small' or
- You stick to the 'playing small' role, because you fear that the new role will require you to own up, step up and raise your game, leaving your old habits behind.

Ultimately, it is up to us which way we choose…

Every insight requires appropriate action.

With this in mind, I send you oceans of love and wish you a myriad of actionable insights.

© Copyright Momentum Strategies 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Listening vs. Hearing

‘Man's inability to communicate is a result of his failure to listen effectively.’ ~ Carl Rogers

Dear Friends,

A chain email caused a great deal of distress to a dear friend of mine this week, which made think a lot about the difference between listening and hearing.

We all listen, but do we actually hear?! Do we allow a space for the words we are listening to filter through and become a part of a hearing process?

Listening is very much one way process, and in many cases it is catapulted from the 'spinal cord' responses;-)! It is nothing, unless it is paired with Hearing. It is one sided communication that nonone benefits from, and yet it can cause a great deal of damage, as was the case with my friend.

Hearing on the other hand can be a very creative, interactive process and includes not only auditory perception, but also an exciting mix of cognitive and affective processes. Hearing helps both those who send messages and those that receive (hear) them to better understand themselves.

Hearing dissolves over-subjectivity and contributes to a flexibility in communication.

Easily said than done, I hear you say! How do we transition from listening to hearing, or better yet, how do we incorporate listening into hearing? Frankly, I haven't got a one-size-fits-all response. However, I can share a tried and tested method that works with me.

During any conversation, start by asking yourself: 'Am I just listening or am I hearing?' If you feel light, you'll know you are onto a good thing!

Sending you oceans of love and wishing you a light weekend!

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Depth vs. Surface

There are many situations in life where people are  acting 'by default', and in many cases that 'by default' behaviour can be  beneficial to all those involved in 'by default' interactions.

For instance, we've all been in situations where we said what we thought the other person wanted to hear. There is nothing wrong with it, I hear you say!  However, I can't help but ask myself  whether that kind of behaviour impacts our growth, our development, and whether those petty benefits we get from saying what is expected from us, distance us from something more important and deeper within ourselves?!

I believe that the answer to this question depends on what we value most in our lives.

If depth, growth, expansion is something we aim for, we are of course, going to stay clear from the above mentioned petty benefits. For, if we nurture 'by default' behaviour we will inevitably create 'by default' relationships and 'by default' character, and will be growing apart from our core, our essence, away from what we really are and what we really stand for.

'By default' behaviour dances on the surface and uses well rehearsed and easy steps! It is afraid of digging deep, and looking for a more challenging choreography, that will take it to the depths of Being, of Self!

With this in mind, I am looking forward to a weekend, and beyond, of everything, but 'by default' behaviour!

Sending you oceans of love!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

MUST vs. must

Dear Friends,

This week was important for me on many levels. However, if I were to single out one thing, it would have to be a consultation I had with my trusted Dr. Isaac Jones of the Designers Health Centers fame. It was the shortest, and yet the most powerful consultation.

Mind you, all consultations have, so far (I am half way through a Detox plan) brought brilliant results, yet, like with anything else in life, if you want something better than outstanding, you gotta raise the bar!

And so I did!

This week I committed and stuck to a diet of eating highly alkaline raw food! I've contemplated it in the past, and yet, never got round to doing it.

This time it was different!

I decided why it was a MUST for me (note the capital lettersJ), and with the support from my Unconscious, coupled with Dr. Jones's in-depth research, I started this energizing, cleansing journey!

I'd like to point out the importance of the verb ‘must’ here! The difference is in the capital M! At some point in the past, we've all gone through and made decisions using the small 'm',with never ending preparations for the D-day!

The basic characteristic of the small 'm' is the fear of change and the belief that, if we ever get to reach the heights of the capital 'M', our lives will drastically change.

At the core of this fear of change lies the rigid mind and rigid ways of thinking and being. Achieving the capital 'M' doesn't mean we will change beyond recognition; it only means that we will make a significant step forward in our internal growth!

Once you reach the heights of capital 'M', you will open more space for some other, new, exciting MUSTs.

I'd like to think that this week, with one capital 'M' I created a space for other new and exciting MUSTs

Wishing you a Magnificent weekend and sending you oceans of love,

© Momentum Strategies 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Of Health and Words

'Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.'~Buddha

Dear Friends,

This week has been all about getting used to different ways of doing, being… As it happens, I caught a nasty cold, followed by high temperature and snifflesL!

It was hard for me not being able to go about my usual ways. Running and tennis were out of the question, yoga was performed in its lighter version - that of breathing and meditation.

And suddenly, amid the sniffles and copious cups of tea, I realized I was enjoying this calm, light way of being, different from my usual high-speed multitasking way! It was my body’s way of telling me to slow down, to take it easy…Stuff I know, and yet, easily forget…

I am grateful for this reminder, albeit harsh, to be kind to my body, and to listen to it, be aware of the signals my unconscious is sending to me and acknowledge them and use them.

We all know that a good healthy communication is vital, and this week, I was reminded that a healthy body requires a healthy inner communication.

And so, this week I started a new ritual – that of asking my body what it wants, instead of overloading it with a heavy, back to back schedule. I ask and I listen…Few times a day! What I got back is phenomenal!

Here’s to a healthy weekend!

Sending you oceans of love,
© Copyright Momentum Strategies 2012