Friday, August 10, 2012

Weekly Food for Thought - Forgive and Keep Paying It Forward

‘Always remember the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.’?~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Dear Friends,

It took a little over a week for the feeling of anger and helplessness, that nested within moi, to disappear, or to turn from its original form into a different one:-)!

Anyways, ten days ago I was robbed and found myself in the middle of a relatively familiar ground, with no money, no credit cards, no ID, no driving license...What I had though was a company of lovely people, understanding policeman, and a choice of states, courtesy of many years spent learning from the best and with the best.

When I realised that my purse was no longer inhabiting my handbag, a sense of fear, anger, helplessness, took over. It didn't last long though! I called the banks, cancelled the cards, went into the nearest police station and reported a theft, and everything went smoothly.

I learnt a lot from that situation, and paradoxically, I learnt a lot about myself:-)! This event showed me that I had resources within me, that I wasn't even aware existed!

With hindsight, I see it as a test from the Universe. To see if all the years spent investing in myself were not in vain:-)! And you know what?! I feel like I passed the test...with flying colours!

I understood, forgave, learnt, and moved on...very very fast. Within hours of my purse being stolen, I got a phone call saying that my purse was found:-)!  With all my documents and, by this stage, totally useless credit cards, as they were all blocked. So with a recovered and slightly impoverished purse:-), a series of beautiful events started to unfold.

I was at a receiving end of Pay It Forward, as my beautiful and caring friends stepped in and were my 'sponsors' for the rest of the day. Suddenly everyone that I met after the event had the most amazing smile and came from the heart! A policeman who helped me, found a long lost colleague of his, when he had to dial a number and find out an information with regards to my documents...How beautiful is that?! He also gave me his phone number to call him if I needed help with anything else! The amount of kindness I experienced on that day was unbelievable!!! So the theft served its purpose:-)!

Even my insurance agent was amazing and super efficient! So everything is restored, money, cards, documents, and my faith in humanity and the principles of Paying it Forward have reached an all time high:-)!

Pay It Forward people and know that 'bad' things happen so that we can experience tons of amazingly good stuff!

Learn, love and forgive!

Sending you oceans of love,

© Momentum Strategies 2012

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